Fucking Goddamn pulp free orange juice.

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by RandomThoughts, Oct 16, 2012.

  1. It's for the birds, I tells ya.

    The lady picked this up by mistake today obviously...poured some thinking I'd enjoy it, I get what is closer in texture to "fruit drink" or "cordial".

    Really, I don't need MUCH pulp, but having none takes away significantly from the orange juice experience IMO.

    FFFFuuuuuck dammit
  2. Man I'm with ya on that. Fuck pulp free, tastes like Sunny D.

    fuck that, it's all about that high pulp
  3. Created this a few years ago for a thread on pulp vs. no pulp

    I like my orange juice with plenty of pulp

  4. Hell Yeah...gotta have the pulp...:cool:
  5. I want it to feel like I'm eating the juciest orange so gotta have the pulp.
  6. fuck pre-made orange juice.

    juice your own oranges... the juice you buy at the store doesn't even compare
  7. C-C-C-Combo breaker.

    I like pulp free. If I wanted pulp, I'd eat an orange. I'm thirsty and I want a liquid.

  8. You are the reason this was invented
  9. I love orange juice, but my favorite juice is white cranberry & peach.or something like that.the name is always so confusing for such a delicious juice.
  10. Im so high off this Blue Dream that I forgot to mention I loved orange juice *with No pulp. Maybe we should have a yes or no button to click and get this poll going.
  11. indeed.
  12. Totally with you on that. :D

    Pulp free is for [​IMG] or girls. :mad:
  13. I'm a pulp free guy

    edit: apparently also a homo/girl
  14. [​IMG]
  15. I HATE pulp in my OJ. Taste is subjective remember?
  16. Ghost = [​IMG]
  17. Ever notice how orange juice doesnt taste "orange"?

    Know what I mean?
  18. I think it depends on the quality of the juice.

    As someone said, usually the very best you can get is juice you've made yourself. You can add other fruits, and even things like mint etc.
    The *best* thing about making your own juice IMO is that you can pick the fruit that you like, at the stage of ripeness/sweetness/bitterness that you like it...of course, the more you know about identifying when fruits are at your preferred stage, the better experience you'll have.
    For my orange juice, I'll add a mixture of 1/3 sweet oranges and a mandarine, and then bitter, or "less" sweet oranges, I like it pretty tangy.

    So I'd say if it's orange juice that doesn't taste "orange", it's probably that it's either reconstituted, made from concentrate, or potentially been frozen.
    Also a lot of juices are homogenized like milk too.
    Unless, you're talking about "orange drink" which isn't even a factor in my eyes.
    The thing is, that's the problem with a lot of juices that are commercially available...they're quite fucked with a lot of the time...and there's many reasons why it wouldn't taste orang-y.

    Here in Australia, there's only maybe 3 regularly sold brands that I'd buy, and one of those is seasonally quite hit-or-miss.
  19. Hahaha damn! stoners are the ultimate people to talk to when it comes to food. I fuckin love this place :D

    It's funny you know, I find concentrates that taste closer to my oranges from my tree, then I buy simply orange, and it just doesnt compare..

    I want an orange with a robust orange-y flavor like TANG.

    An orange that tastes like a motherfuckin sunkist candy. Know what i mean? :D

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