Fucking Drug Dogs.

Discussion in 'General' started by AdrianLikesKush, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. How the FUCK do you get past em?
  2. bite them

  3. graduate from high school
  4. The only thing I can think of is if you don't mind putting your weed in your butt.

  5. a whole ounce?

  6. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:
  7. I believe a dog will find it pretty much no matter what.

  8. even in my ass?
  9. i don't know about you but that would fit nicely

  10. Yeah, dogs have an extremely sensitive sense of smell. My dog can find chicken bones outside from really far away.

  11. probably. dog will smell you, signal, and then the cops will search you. if there's nothing in your pockets, then they'll probably get a warrant (or whatever) and do a cavity search.

    i mean... if they don't make the dog sniff your ass or anything, then i guess you win. but you'd still have weed up your ass.

    ex-narcotics officer barry cooper says that placing your weed up high and in the center of the vehicle is your best bet, dogs can't really sniff your headliner too well.

  12. My friend got pulled over. And had an 8th and a bowl in his car. He hid them both were the shifter thing is (if your car is new or if you have a manual). The place the shifter shaft goes into lifts up on most cars. Lift that up and throw your shit in there. Takes about 2 seconds to do. Cops can't see you do it. And the dogs couldn't sniff it out. It was so funny watching the dog trying to find it. lol.

    Cause he could smell it man, he could smell it. He sure as hell couldn't find it though. He was barking and scratching at shit. But that was after we hotboxed the car with a blunt like 5 minutes before. So the dog couldn't pinpoint the smell cause the whole car reeked of weed.
  13. Go under them. Duh.
  14. avoid at all costs, especially since you talkin about an ounce.
  15. I always wondered that if you sprayed a good amount of cologne on yourself or perhaps some pheromones it might fuck with the dogs senses and cause it to ignore you.
  16. No. Dogs don't smell like us. If we're in a room full of a dozen different scents, our noses only pick up and process the strongest one unless we consciously force ourselves to pick up on the others. With a dog they smell every individual scent at once.

    Apparently coffee can throw off a dog's nose. I don't know how true this is.
  17. fuck them dogs! they bit the shit outa my boys leg just for postin up in front of his house... the trolls were searchin for someone who robbed a car on his street
  18. What if you took a dog whistle and started blowing it discreetly as loud and fast as you could whilst in the back of the line so it scares all the pooches?
  19. If you have your own dog...let it ride with you. Im not positive but i dont think they can search because the dog could just be barking at your dog. Its always good if your dog like to bark too. My dog is hyper as hell and he goes nuts when he sees another dog.
  20. Have a dog or a cat in your car when you're transporting herbs so it throws off the drug dog, or put your herbs in an air-tight bag and stick it in the middle of a jar of peanut butter, and then stick that in a cooler with whatever else. Those are the most sound ideas I've heard.. haven't tried em myself

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