fucking CHRIST

Discussion in 'General' started by rpmuser123, May 18, 2009.

  1. IS anyone else having any problems with Myspace? I know gay etc. blah blah blah I dont wanna hear it I just there to look at pics but now when I go to a photo I have to click the back button about a hundred fucking times to go back to the album. I click it once and it reloads the page. I can click it about 20 times before it'll actually go back, and then it just goes to some random page that i have recently viewed. I use Google Chrome but had the same result with IE as well. Could it be the stupid new IM setup those fags put on myspace? Fuyck a bunch of shit this is pissing me off
  2. 1) calm down, please.
    2) shut up, please.
    3) facebook, period.
  3. I use FireFox, and what pisses me off is that if I hit the touchpad buttons simultaneously, the page is supposed to go back. Instead, fucking myspace made it so that instead of going back a page, it just goes to the previous fucking picture :mad: I hardly ever use the back button on the browser to go back, and it's a bitch when I try to go back like I normally do and it just starts scrolling through pictures I didn't want to see. The IM shit popping up is annoying as hell now as well

    As for your problem, maybe stop clicking the button 20 times? Click the little arrow by the back button to bring up the list of previous pages and click whichever page you want to jump to. It's a lot better than just manically clicking until you get to the page you were on 2 weeks ago :p

  4. I agree with all but 3. Fuck all those little websites :smoking:
  5. The fuck does facebook have to do with myspace? Way to be off topic...
  6. #6 rpmuser123, May 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2009
    1) Im not excited
    2) GTFO you little prick
    3) No shit? Do I have to delete my Myspace to get a Facebook?
    I have both

    Name-calling is not welcome here, chill out. -JD
  7. personally i think facebook blows. i have a myspace account i check once a month. but 4 years ago i was on it everyday.
  8. I'm on myspace every day, I can't remember the last time I was on facebook. But that doesn't mean I go on threads about facebook and act like myspace is somehow "better" :confused: (not referring to you, rather c89)
  9. fucking christ..

  10. im with him sept the facebook part.

  11. mat you always seem to turn the stupidest threads in to good ones:D
  12. How many thousands of dicks do you think have been inside that chick?
  13. my wife is totally addicted to facebook. 5 am before work she's on it, and it's the first thing she does when she gets home from work.
  14. this

    minus 3
  15. [​IMG]

  16. hahaha oh man..that one got me :smoking:
  17. Looks like that broad has been airbrushed, photoshopped and coated in wax.
  18. Haha thank you very much.

    This thread got bad very quickly. I felt something should be done a bout it. Hense the random hot chick:p

    And rhythm that pic is hilarious. one of the ones i have never seen before!:D
  19. I know man, I happened upon it and right when I saw it I had to share. So came here and found this thread, thought it was appropriate.

    I was laughing for a good minute when I found it.

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