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Fucking asshole

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Pipesmith, May 22, 2010.

  1. A couple days ago this guy i know was gunna go with a bunch of my freinds to the movies so i asked if i could go and he said NO... and i like really what the then im like fuck you and i ask him to sell me some weed he says NO!!!! because if i get caught again he thinks my parents will make me tell were i got it and because of my econmic situation right now he was my only dealer!!!! i mean what dealer says no to a deal and really he has the nerve to say this after all the shit i did for him and favors i even gave him my pack of XL joint papers when he needed some :mad:

  2. Sounds like you are just a sketch kid to deal with if you already got caught. Respect his decision and find a new dealer...
  3. Aww poor babee, want me kiss your boo-boo make you feel better?
  4. These Dealers aren't your "24/7 weed stop"

    They have lives too, to just say "GIMME WEEDZ" is competly ignorant of there personal life.

    I would of told YOU to fuck off.
  5. O dont worry i am being nothing but considerate i asked him to bring me a sack on tuesday next time i see him thats 5 days i gave him considering i asked him this on friday and not to mention that i live in a small town so all the dealers are from other cities around me so like he is "IT" like the only one everyone else pretends to be a dealer and gives you leaves from the rose bush behind there house and if you call em on it they will deny it or say they dont sell real weed...

    so sorry i am being a perfect gentlemen and he is being a inconsidirate douch bag considering all the nice shit ive done for him
  6. he doesn't have to sell you anything. it's his supply. he can choose who gets it and who doesn't. sucks, but it's the truth

  7. go to a skate park if u dont have a dealer thats always the best place 2 find weed
  8. What's the point of this thread, not trying to be an asshole.

  9. wat r u like 10 u get sold fake weed

  10. I guess it's for some underage kid to bitch about his "friends"
  11. not to point out the blindingly obvious, but dealing is illegal. why would he keep selling to you if he thinks you might get him caught? a pack of papers doesn't make up for possible jail time...
  12. I never got sold fake weed just everyone else besides this one person has weed and im just bitchin because this is bullshit and the guy gave away weed to this other asshole like in december and he just payed him for it now...and i know a pack of papers wont get you seriously jail time but he was in a pinch so i helped him out and weed wont get you jailtime either i mean in MA is decriminalized...
    besides he not worryed im going to get caught by the cops just by my mom since my dad is cool with it
  13. life goes on, find someone else
  14. If everyone else has weed, I'm sure one of your "friends" will sell you some of theirs.
  15. Quit bitchin and find a new dealer, I refuse to believe that he's the ONLY dealer in your area, unless you're 9 years old and still aren't allowed to leave the neighborhood.:rolleyes: If that's the case (could possibly be) then grow your own shit. Point is if you want some, you're gonna have to make it happen, sitting around being angry won't get you anywhere..
  16. #16 I~Rok~Donks, May 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2010
    how old are you OP..??

    just wanna know, not tryn to be a dick
  17. #17 450outlaw, May 22, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2010
    The . or , key on your keyboard are there for a reason, they make things make a little more sense. Because I didn't under stand any of what you just said.


    Stop your bitchin, because your just sounding like a "dick..." :wave:

  18. i think they meant your dealer getting caught by cops...
  19. dealing is different from possession, and yes, it usually carries jail time.

    and i think you misunderstood me. a pack of papers won't get you jail time...ever. they're legal and sold in stores. i meant that if this guy thinks he might get caught by selling to you, it doesn't matter what you've done for him in the past. he won't take the risk because it's just not worth the money.
  20. What part of MA you from OP?

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