Yep, that's right, I have mono. I've had it for about two weeks and it fucking blows. Now my question is, should I smoke? It feels like im swallowing barbed wire each time I swallow. Will smoking help or hurt? Also, if any of you wonderful blades knows what will help (already taking ibuprofen every day) please share. Peace and love, from your sickly stoner
[quote name='"Pufftamagicwyrm"']Yep, that's right, I have mono. I've had it for about two weeks and it fucking blows. Now my question is, should I smoke? It feels like im swallowing barbed wire each time I swallow. Will smoking help or hurt? Also, if any of you wonderful blades knows what will help (already taking ibuprofen every day) please share. Peace and love, from your sickly stoner [/quote] I have it too. I've had it for four weeks now. 1) DRINK A FUCKING SHITLOAD OF FLUIDS. Gatorade is better than water if you have access to it. your pee should be crystal clear every time you go. I know it's painful with the sore throat, but you have to do it. 2) there aren't really any medicines you can take. try DayQuil/NyQuil and see if that gives you more relief than straight ibuprofen. 3) You really need to rest as much as you can. I thought I was good to go and walked around the city for a few hours, fucking myself over and delaying my recovery. stay in bed. 4) I'm not sure about smoking. I found joints didn't irritate my throat if I took tiny hits. if smoking does hurt, make some edibles or vape if you can. finally, I'd try to limit how often you smoke. it's tempting to be high all the time since you're probably stuck at home and bored, but when I smoked for multiple days in a row I felt worse. just don't overdo it. listen to what your body is telling you. if you have anymore questions dm me. get well soon!
Thanks alot bud yeah I've been drinking vitamin waters like fucking crazy. Ill definatly pick up some dayquil/niquil though
Mono is the worst bro, nasty nasty sickness. Just rest and drink a fuckload of fluids. I hope you went to the doctor too lol. As for smoking, I didn't when I had it because my throat hurt too bad
i had mono this past spring and smoked weed and cigs every day. I only smoked with people who had had mono before though. wasn't trying to be a dick and spread it. wen i was with people who hadnt had it before i jsut rolled my own spliff or something