fuckin anthropology

Discussion in 'General' started by k-lent, Sep 29, 2009.

  1. is anyone good with biology or any kind of anthropology that can help with understanding this stuff. this is one of the hardest classes i have ever taken cause its online so i have to read and lecture myself. its so much to take in. i dont know why im making this thread actually, im avoiding my reading.
  2. fuck anthro.....I have an 89 in my anthro class but the class and info in it is stupid. Kids in the class are actually into the conversations but i guess its because im at a big 10 state school. It could just be I hate school work and wish everyday that I didn't have to do homework. Their are a lot of kids that think they are so smart. But fuck them, I am not friends with them. I would rather hang with the people I hang with.
  3. Haha i'm taking an anthro class right now, it's actually not that hard, but maybe it's just my professor. He gives us a lot of information in the lectures, but it's all about knowing what to study for on the tests.
  4. same here... study the 2 nights before the exam
  5. Whats the questions..... That would help us help you out!
  6. is it about Neanderthals, modern humans, artifact findings, human exploration? let me know ill try to help cuz i have a textbook n this internet site n shit....
  7. Yeah dude I'm taking an anthro class right now. The subject interests me but my teacher completely kills it, I never know what the hell she's talking about
  8. Speaking of teachers you can't understand, I have this Oriental lady from somewhere in Asia for this Political Science class. Each class is an hour and 45 minutes and I literally understand 1/10 of what she says. Its crazy.

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