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Fucked up parents thread

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by E n i g m a, Jan 24, 2010.

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  1. #1 E n i g m a, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    My Dad: :(

    1. He cheated on my mom, and everyone knew but her, with my future stepmother who was cheating on her then husband.
    2. He had me kidnapped from my mother. And he was the bastard child of my grandfather who has money they had good lawyers and got me. He never really wanted me I don't think. I think he just did it to get back at my mom.
    3. He let my step-mom abuse me by hanging upside down, locking me in closets, forcing me to stay outside in all weather all at 5 years old and younger.
    4. Refused to let me have anything to drink after a certain time because I wet the bed. I was caught drinking out of the fish tank, trying to find any source of water where no one would see me. I was beaten the shit out of for that.
    5. I told on him for cheating on my step-mom, she left and he asked me why I told on him
    6. I was subjected to several of his seizures because he refused to take his medication
    7. He would stay on crack binges for days locked in his room. I lived very isolated.
    8. He preyed on a new easy target to make his maid and whore. He eventually let her die in agony over the periods of two weeks. By the time she made it to the hospital she didn't make it 24 hours. Double pneumonia, delirious he thought she was on drugs.
    9. He quit his job after that and never payed rent or a single utility bill while we lived in my grandmothers old house, she even brought over groceries.
    10. His friend once gave him $100 for food for me and he bought a yard of crack instead.
    11. Him and his friend robbed and crack dealer of his dope and money. He came looking for him at my house, on different occasions, threatening me. Once when my female friend was there, the guy was there all in my backyard, coercing his way in my house, acting like he was armed. My dad refused to come out of his room to my aid. The guy left finally throwing a cinder block through his window on the way out. Terrified my friend. I was like why didn't you come out? The guy had a gun! So you wanted to leave me out there with him? Oh he wouldn't have shot you..that's reassuring considering what happened in the future.
    12. He provoked me and antagonized me, telling me over and over to get outside, as if it were a punishment. He was like pussy..pussy. I pushed him just as he turned to walk away. He got up and beat me mercilessly to a bloody pulp, like a stranger off the street. Huge goose-egg(people at school were like that's a dinosaur-egg) on my forehead. Bloody nose. Black eye. And the cops came and arrested me in the emergency room. I spent two days in jail. Still having to go back to court over and over.
    13. He walked me outside with this sketchy black guy to buy weed at night and they guy decided he wanted to kill us instead.(some may know from my old thread about it that the mods took down)

    Anyone else? Discuss.
  2. It's gonna be pretty hard to top that one.
  3. Well it appears that most of this stuff is done and in the past...I know you can not "forget" it, but maybe not think about it? Just offering advice.
  4. Can't really remember the fucked up situations my dad put my mom and me in but I do remember he once picked me up by my arm and flung me across the room where I landed on a dolly LOL!! It's funny now but wasn't back then:devious:. He was a raging alcoholic, always hit my mom when he was drunk which was always.

    I remember once I was strategically placing crazy glue (idk i was nine LOL) on the street so the cars could smash it. Some lady told my dad when I got home and he proceeded to kick me aaaaall the way from the front door to the last bedroom and then took out those ranchero belts to fuck me up.(Mexican kids know whats up with the ranchero belts) He also beat me when I was in kindergarten just because I couldn't tie my shoes or recite the abc's. He also refused to let me come out the room 'till my mom came home and that's only because she would cook dinner:rolleyes:. I'll post more when my repressed memory comes back to me:smoking:. stay high

  5. dang that sucks too. r u still friends with your dad?
  6. i dont get it, is this a pity thread? i mean i feel for ya ive got fucked up parents too, and it tears me apart all the time so i tend to not talk to my family, which also tears me up inside, so yeah my fucked up parents have caused me lots of pain but im not going to list every fucked up thing my parents (well my dad) has done to me...stay strong but learn to get over it man

    sorry to hate im not trying to but idk im not feeling this thread
  7. I loathed him for most of my teen years until I realized it was in the past and forgave him after I turned 18.

    To me, it's not about getting people to feel pity for you, but to share your experiences and to establish the fact that you're not alone.
  8. #8 NIXXXON, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    you need to see psychiatrist if you're not already
  9. do you still live with him, if you do thats dumb
  10. #10 E n i g m a, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2010
    Well the only reason I moved back in with him after I moved with my grandmother, after he broke in her house, is because I missed the bus one day and refused to walk to school. She kicked me out. And said I had to cut my hair to come back so I was like no, you can except me for who I am. After I got shot she reconsidered. ;)
    Have you ever been to a psychiatrist?
    It has nothing to do with pity. It has to do with realization, looking at this list it really amazes me. And release, and sharing experience, knowing your not the only one out there. And letting it go.
  11. Nahh, i need ta see dat ass. Yummeh.

  12. :confused:
  13. man, spell check is your friend.

    if half this shit is true, fuck your family. i'd rather live on the streets than with those sleazy fucks.

  14. There isn't anything misspelled in my post. I'm using Chrome, built-in spell check.
  15. This is not a well thought out response. It's not like you can get up and walk away from everything. You are sheltered throughout your life by your parents. Where in the fuck are you supposed to go? Some people have nobody else but their parents, whether or not they treated you good. At the end of the day, you only got one dad.

    I hold this saying close to my heart, "Holding a grudge is like throwing a hot coal at someone, you're the only one that's going to get burned".

  16. The judy booty in his avatar. Ass fa weeks.:hello:
  17. And at no point did you ever think of reaching out to child services or some other aid? Also:


  18. That ass needs some major lipo if you ask me.
  19. Oh one phrase out of the entire post. I need spellcheck soo bad. :rolleyes: spell check corrected it that way anyway.
    No, they reached out to me when there was a year long molestation investigation regarding my older step-brother when I was 5. He would make me touch him and have very vague memories of being sexually abused further by him. But they are good for nothing at all. They don't help kids.
  20. also using "and" to mean "a" or "an". the shit is confusing. plus, its hard to believe most of what you say.
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