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Fucked up on new bong and ? about MJ Laws

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by MPower420, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. ok guys. ill make it quick. yesterday my friend and i bought new "water pipes", cough cough, at our local head shop. i got a green and clear, glass on glass phyre, and my friend bought the same one with just clear glass. here's my 2 things.

    we drove seperate vehicles to the shop. we chilled a few minutes in the parkin lot when we decided to head home. my first stop was gonna be at another friend's house to pick him up, and we'd all head back to my place. i stopped to pick up my friend and proceeded on the way to my place, taking some back roads. we bet back home and wonder why JimBob (made up name) hasnt made it home yet. we called him numerous times but his phone was turned off. we didnt smoke outta the bong though, we didnt wanna leave JimBob out. so we waited and waited, after 6 and 1/2 hours we get a phone call saying JimBob was arrested for possession (for the 'paraphernalia').

    he was stopped for speeding and the officer saw the bong lying in the back seat still in it's bubble rap. everything was then searched, and nothing else was found. not a seed, stem, nothing. they arrested him.

    now. that story is completely falsified, but i have a question about it. let's just say that someone did get arrested just like that. could he fight it by saying that he was gonna smoke tobacco out of the water pipe? he smokes cigarettes already so why not? with nothing found in the car matched him to smoking weed in his new bong, could he get away with it. they have no proof it was for "illegal" use. seriously though, i thought about it on the way home with my new bong, and it really tripped me out. help me out here haha :smoking:

    last thing. this bong. i gotta take pics of it. it's a green and clear phyre bong, glass on glass, with a diffuser, percolator, and ice catcher. my very first like this. all my bongs have been cheap, small glass bongs. plain and simple. she's atleast 2 or 2 1/2 feet tall. one hit on some mids and me coughin, gaggin, spittin and laughin. ive never had a hit quite that hard before. it's quite different haha but yeah, holla at me. im gonna go smoke up, yall do the same :)
  2. technically atleast in ny if it has never been used for pot its legal same reason its legal to sell it if it was illegal to posses it the way it was it would be illegal to sell it too
  3. Yeah, they definitely need some bud or resin to charge you with drug paraphernalia. You see if they can't prove it was for drugs it can't be "drug" paraphernalia. Hope that helps ya man.
  4. here you need some resin in your "paraphernalia" to be considered "drug paraphernalia" so you might be able to fight that if they truely found NOTHING else in his car,

    sorry about your buddy,

    happy tokin :wave:

  5. He wouldnt. Glass objects that happen to be shaped like bongs are legal- thats why you can buy them in a store, or sell them in your store. (if you can buy them legally in your state, then their posession is legal)
    Only an idiot rookie cop would do something like that, they know where the legalities stand on paraphenelia. So he wouldnt get arrested for having it. And if it did get to court its VERY unlikely that it wouldnt get thrown out, unless he pleads guilty :p
  6. everbody really helped me there, thanks guys. it didnt start bugging me until me and my girl started talkin about it. i figured it would be completely legal but she said it woudln't be, thanks for settling that one haha :)

    and what about the bong? im at 3 rips and high as a kite. i really think this is the most effiecent way to get really high, really fast haha
  7. It only matters if there is resin and can be proven to be used for illegitimate uses. Who smokes tobacco out of a bong though? That's not very legit...

  8. Actually I've smoked pure tobacco out of a bong, only once though. We were waiting to pick up in a park, and he had a cancer stick, and whenever I smoke tobe I get MAADDD headrushes and spins, so we figured... fuck it, why not :p

    I occasionaly smoke weed and tobacco out of my bong, but I prefer pure weed.
  9. does anybody know if the diffuser on my stem should be slots or holes? mine has slots but i keep hearing it's supposed to have holes. it's a ~2 footer phfire bong. im confused haha
  10. It depends on the state whether he could get away with that arguement. I'm from Missouri and we can have bongs and pipes or whatever if it doesn't have any rezin or anything in it.. But in Kansas just recently they changed it that you couldn't even have a clean pipe or bong, either way it'd be considered drug parephenalia.. Even if he can't argue his way out of it with no possesion charge it's not that bad. I just recently got a paraphenalia charge and got off with just a year of court supervised probation, which is no piss test no P.O. I just basically can't get caught for a year.

  11. "slots", better known as diamond cuts, and holes are different styles of diffusers. theyre both fine.

  12. Slots work fine... And you realize if it was illegal before smoking in it then they wouldnt be able to sell them to anyone without a medical card... It has to have resin to be a crime because you originaly buy it as a "tobacco smoking device".

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