Fucked a MILF

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by washedmothafuka, Apr 14, 2013.

  1. What up everyone. I've been going to a junior college and renting out a room from this creeper. Luckily the other person renting out the second room is a 47 year old milf. Been living here for 7 months or so and got zero signs from this woman except when we get drunk she'd always want to chat it up and such, sometimes touching my arm but nothing serious.

    Tonight, we drank a lot and rolled up three spliffs. We smoked two when we went for a walk, then watched SnL. Nothing out of the ordinary, but this time we were laying in her bed and she opens the window up and tells me it's cold and I should get under the covers. I'm thinking what??? This can't be happening. She keeps leaning towards me and laughing. She was coming onto me hard, you'd have to be blind to miss it. Not aggressively, but like she knew what she wanted. She would zip her sweatshirt down and lean towards me basically begging me to grab her chest. We keep talking and talking, and eventually she asks if I want something that will make me really relaxed, of course I would, thinking a thinking a blowjob. Unfortunately, she gets behind me, lays my head on her chest and begins giving me a massage. The massage went from the head to the shoulders to the chest...but she insisted that this would not turn sexual, and that I shouldn't be getting hard...I most certainly had a bit of a chub at this point. I took my shirt of and she continues.

    Afterwards we rolled up another spliff and I began massaging her legs, working my way up as she moaned. "This stuff only happens in porno's, there's no way this is going to lead anywhere" I thought. Sure enough, it did. I was speechless to say the least. I'll spare you guys the details because I'm sure there are plenty of blades reading this with a half chub already.

    Honestly this has to be every guys dream, this woman is WAY out my league. And to all the haters, I'm not fucking with you on this one. Dead serious, it's 3:40am and I have no idea how this happened. Talk about a once in a lifetime opportunity...She's a strait cougar.

    Don't believe me? If I get enough likes on this I'll post pics of her. You wont be disappointed.

    Tl;dr Fucked my 47 year old roommate milf...no joke
  2. Congrats, you got laid. Act like you've been there before, son.
  3. i herd milfz luv dat Arabian goggles son.
  4. #4 Dog boy, Apr 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2013
    Need pics
  5. #5 washedmothafuka, Apr 14, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 14, 2013
    Been there before? With a 47 year old woman...good one.

  6. U are a winner
  7. How was it? I always hear there amazing in bed, true ?
  8. fuck spliffs
  9. *brofist*
  10. not a good picture put another one up
  11. Nice

    Lol lucky

    How'd it happen
  12. Well done OP.
  13. i bought milk
  14. + rep for the MILF score
  15. I just came here to say...congratulations!!
  16. I lol'd at the razor. I had one 6 years ago.
  17. You're living my dream bro.
  18. das it mane, das it
  19. HahahhahahjahahjanjHaja nice one

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