fuck ya 14 hours of sleep

Discussion in 'General' started by stonerish, Aug 26, 2010.

  1. its weird...

    i didn't smoke last night...and got some of the best sleep i can recall

    still want weed though :(, hurry up bank transfer..

    and holy shit :confused:...new smileys? lol
  2. New? Where have you been? haha
  3. Lol, yeah...where you been? What new smilies???
  4. :confused_2: new smilies? where
  5. Glad someone can sleep without there medicine... On a t break and I've gotten about 15 hrs worth in the last week.
  6. Jeez, I feel good if I get a solid 3-4 hours sleep without waking up for the bathroom every hour...gawd how I hate ibs and ibd

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