fuck walmart

Discussion in 'General' started by wise budder, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. So I just so happened to stroll in my house after toking numerous joints of dro with my friends in about an hour. Now it's safe to say I'm very high, and it just occurred to me that walmart is a piece of shit. Yeah that's right, I mean yeah it is pretty fun to throw their kickballs around and drive the bikes everywhere but the way they just terminate local economic flow is uncanny. I mean if back in the late 1800s when Rockefeller and Carnegie were around making fuckin bank because of the monopolies they established, while those didn't necessarily destroy local economic impulse it sure as hell put our country a bit sideways for the common man. And now places like walmart, that think they can just fucking have everything and be the awesomest store in town, when really it's just a prickpen. Everyone knows the story of walmart, it comes into town, closes about 5-10 local stores, then eventually has to close its store because they weren't making "quota" thus they just end up being a disposable economic bomb hypothetically speaking. I mean, the only reason I posted this is to see if anyone would be like fuck yeah, fuck walmart. lolz. :smoking:
  2. Are you high?
  3. #4 k_semler, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Fuck with thier intercom system. Find an employee phone, pick up the phone, and dial #96* You will now be on the store intercom system. Have fun. :) Here's the Wal-Mart intercom codes:

    INTERCOM HOLD: Sometimes silence is golden. So if you pick up the phone, dial #96 and then hit hold, nobody can use the intercom until they figure out which phone is on hold.

    CODE 1: This code is used for SHOPLIFTING!

    CODE 10: Dry Spill.

    CODE 20: Wet Spill.

    CODE 90: Management Needed. That sounds useless.

    CODE 99: This code implies that there is an emergency and all male employees are to immediately stop what they are doing and move to the announced location.

    CODE 300: Security Needed. For grins, call Code 300 to the location you are currently at.

    CODE ADAM: Code Adam is used to report a lost child. Technically, the store is supposed to shut all doors until the lost child is found. This sounds like fun until you realize that you are going to be trapped in a Wal-Mart for hours while they attempt to locate a missing child.

    CODE BLACK: This code is used for severe weather. It's only used if something severe is happening such as tornadoes are bearing down on the store. All employees are supposed to immediately head to the fitting rooms at the center of the store. Wal-Mart doesn't like to use this code because it quite frankly, when the employees all leave, it leads to looting.

    CODE BLUE: A bomb scare.

    CODE C: Customer service. A customer needs help in a location like housewares.

    CODE GREEN: This code is used when there is a hostage in the store. Ask yourself, do you really want to shop at a store that needs to have a special code for a hostage situation?

    CODE ORANGE: This is for a chemical spill. Water is a chemical.

    CODE BROWN: Shooting.

    CODE RED: This is used in case of a fire!

    CODE WHITE: is used for an injury.
  4. i don't even want to fucking fuck it. it's got all that bad shit. you fuck it and you'll get all the std's in the world. (i do go there about once a year...only when completely necessary though) i really dont like that place
  5. I'm glad theres so many that agree, and that list of codes is awesome.
  6. too bad the economy would collapse on its own asshole without walmart.
    lemme run this by you guys tho: round up bout 10-15 people, half hittin the front door half the garden section. find phone. code black. then just go bananas, im talkin movies, cd,s video games all of that.
    anyhow.... thats my grand master plan:devious:
  7. I despise Wal-Mart after reading The Walmart effect. Sorry if this post is a bit out there, I'm on 2 and a half rolls and a bunch of ambien. I feel incredible. I hate Wal-Mart though!
  8. An example of proper code usage would be the following:

    "Code C in Housewares"

    (Requesting customer service to the Housewares department.)

    "Code 99 in Sporting Goods"

    (All male employees cease your activity, and immediatly go to sporting goods, because something is going/about to go down. Physical force may be nessecary.)
  9. purple nuggets,
  10. We have to rebuild the shit economy somehow! The collapse is inevitable. :eek:
  11. How would we call a Code ADAM? Doing this tomorrow 100%.
  12. I'm definitely about to get in so much trouble at walmart today.

    Code ADAM no doubt.

    Im gettin me a new cell phone HAHA
  13. "CODE ADAM. The child is a male approximatly 8 years of age. He has blond hair and blue eyes. Last seen in the Toys department near the bicycles. The child is wearing a blue baseball cap with the insignia of the LA dodgers on it, blue jeans, and a white T-shirt with a picture of Mickey Mouse on it."

    Do not announce the child's name.
  14. i just watched the south park episode like this thread, about wal mart, lol, good stuff
  15. hahaha hell yea that episode is awesome
  16. LK approves of the title of this thread.
  17. #19 Blutteufel, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    Just wow:

    I'm not certain of the veracity of this one, but funny nonetheless:
  18. we have 5 walmarts in my town and we're building another one! aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why so many?!?!?!

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