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fuck up shit happened

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jollyhashman, Nov 21, 2014.

  1. So started smoking weed when i was 16 , kept it up for a few months then exams came along so stopped , started again a few weeks back and the first time i just had 1 joint , got pretty high pretty quick , then i went to sleep woke up just fine and then the next night went to sleep and i woke up and started panicing pretty bad i think anyway , hard to describe but i went to doctors cos i got ashma and i felt my chest was tight and she gave me steroids and said its probably a chest infection , all cleared up now but its scared me to smoke anymore , do you think it was the weed even tho it happened 24+ hours after smoking? Anybody have any ideas on what it is? I panic a bit when i dont go to sleep til like 1 cos im tired , do you think it was just a bit of panic and ive aggravated myself and nothing to do with weed? Do you think its wise to smoke with ashma even tho weeds an anti inflamatory?
  2. Ummmm, I'm fucking confused by this.
    How old are you bro?
  3. You need to eat more pussy ,but not just any pussy, big stinky hairy pussy!
  4. Im 18 and im confused by it too , im just asking if anyone thinks weed would make me panic 24 hours after smoking it?
  5. Yea if you freak out.
    Jesus backlash flashes.
    Or it could be triggered by caffeine or any other kind of substance naturally by combined receptor initiation.
    So yes, it could be physical.
    But probably just paranoia????
  6. No. Try edibles.
  7. I guess i do drink a tad bit too much caffein now come to think about it , just scared me enough to make me think about smoking it again but i like to smoke it , its relaxing
  8. Edables are hard to get in the uk , i wouldnt know where to go as i could make them , anybody recommend vaps?
  9. #9 Forked Up2, Nov 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 21, 2014
  10. some people with asthma can smoke just fine. others no. Try again using only .2 and see how you feel. don't use steroids, they arent gonna help the problem. prescription drugs suck dick
  11. Sounds like it happened in a fairly short time span. So the question is, are you 16 or 17 now?
  12. haha

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  13. you could vapor out to get high.

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