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Fuck this

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by SortaStoner, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. I waked and baked a bit ago and now I have mother fucking Christmas music stuck in my head! I need to get this shit out holy fuck ! Usually I can watch Nyan cat to get music out if my head but Ive never got music stuck in my head while stoned. HOW DO MUST I GET THIS SHIT OUT?!?!
  2. Smoke more.
  3. I personally get songs stuck in my head when I'm stoned too sometimes and they can be VERY difficult to get rid of. Thankfully for me, my mind is on like a million different trains of thought at once so usually I can just think about something else until it goes away. In your case, I'd say smoking more is definitely recommended as well as listening to some of your favorite songs. Watch the music videos and get all into the music and that Christmas bullshit will be gone. =)
  4. Did you really make a thread on a internet forum about this?

  5. No I didn't, what are you talking about?
  6. first world poblems
  7. drink your own piss dude, its the only way

  9. Fuck this fuck that
    fuck cats
  10. Just watch this video Till the end

  11. Smoke till you can't hear that shit lol.

  12. hell yeah i 420 blazed that shit! Christmas kush and sheiiitt

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