Fuck the SuperBowl

Discussion in 'General' started by CLKWRK, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. I hate SuperBowl sunday. No one wants to hangout and just kick it. Everyone is all like " nah man ima watch the superbowl. Like really? What the fuck is so amazing about ther superbowl anyway? The final game of the year, OHMYGOD I HAS TO WATCH IT!!!1 OHMYGOD THE COMERCIALS I GOTA WATCH IT!111!

    Like really? Why can't i EVER find anyone who just wants to hangout and smoke a bwol and NOT watch the fucking superbowl?
  2. i wanna hang out and not watch the superbowl

    same boat as you man, its all bout pig skin today.

  3. me I'm listening to Qn5 and on Grasscity :)
  4. I can care less about it also
  5. I guess. If lonely means i want to hangout with people, then yes.
  6. Amen brother..
  7. diz niggga juss mad kuz his nigggas aint invite his ass to da S.B. party wit all da dank, beer, chips, n pizzas n shiet.

    edit: n nachos too niggga
  8. Yea fuck the superbowl only thing remotely cool is the commercials which ill catch on youtube tomorrow.
  9. im not watching the superbowl, and im not planing to. i don't care who wins.
  10. I played eve online all day with hubby and friends, and we had good food and popped open a bottle of wine and made sangria. We might break open some ice cream for dessert.
  11. Fuck Vince Lombardi
  12. Yeah fuck the superbowl. My mom is drinking and screaming at the tv and she doesn't even know what's going on...or has kept up with ANY of the games this season.

    Supershit is more like it.

    *edit* also Shitbowl.
  13. How drunk is your mom?
  14. The Shitbowl is only my excuse to get really drunk and baked with my friends on a Sunday. :smoke:
  15. Why not just blaze a super bowl whilst watchin the superbowl??
  16. #17 Hardnutcheck, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    What the fuck man!

    Nobody wants to hang out and watch the super bowl, all they want to do is smoke.

    Srsly. Why can you not smoke and watch the super bowl with people?

    And if your answer is: "fuck the super bowl". That's probably the reason you're on this site bitching
  17. #18 CLKWRK, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2011
    You could do this anyway and still have a good excuse.

    "It's sunday" There you go.

    You can smoke ad still watch the superbowl. The problem with that is, I don't want to watch the super bowl.

    I really hate the superbowl. I hate football. It's boring as hell to be honest.

    If i was able to hangout with people right now and not watch the superbowl, this thread would have never been made. But it's the fact that everyone i talk to is watching it for one reason or another, that it was made.

    Just another football game that means nothing.
  18. So go hang out with them
  19. This thread is gettin' steamy real quick.

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