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fuck the police

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by califourniabuds, May 29, 2009.

  1. im a senior in high school turned 18 in january. so me and a homie go smoke in an empty quad except four people. after we finish two bowls i light a cig and when im halfway done these two girl look at us and walk away. i didnt think anything was going to happen. my friend bounces and im down to the filter and he says " put that that shit out lets bounce"! i throw the filter walk about fifty feet and see the two snitches walk where i just was with a police officer. for the rest of linch i layed low in another quad and my friend sprints to me and yells" lets get the fuck outa here! so i start sprinting with him and we saw four police officers the principal and the discipline officer in the other direction. they see us fire up the police car and were booking it. we run down about a mile till we got almost to our friends house who didnt go to school and the police car pulls up behind us so we sprint faster than ever hop three fences and get to the house. we figured we lost them. once we got to the homies house we toked two more bowl and a couple cigs. fuck i hope they dont call us up to the office tomorrow. im tired as fuck!
  2. change the topic title to "I make bad decisions"
  3. Correct. Never smoke in public where someone who ain't in the circle can see you.
  4. If you know the names of the snitches, then grow up few weed plants until they are 10 or so inches tall, then one night go and plant them in the snitches back yard. Call the police and say "officer, there is this guy that hangs around school selling DRUGS, bang on about you hate drugs and all the other bullshit prohibitionists sprout, do this annonymously, and guaranteed the cops will be all over it. Use these prohibitionists laws against them, let the cops dish out all the violence, and laugh your ass off knowing these bitches lives are going to get fucked over.

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