Today I was caught driving with possession of marijuana. I was nothing but courteous and cooperative with the officer and what does he do? He totally rapes me with every single charge he could possibly come up with. Now I'm looking at hundreds of dollars in fines, possible license suspension, and thousands of dollars in lawyer fees. I am only wondering if anyone here knows of any organization dedicated to helping nonviolent "criminals" like me with the financial hell that the government so enjoys inflicting upon us. An organization that understands how unjust the laws pertaining to marijuana are, and is willing to help me get through this outrageous ordeal financially. I don't know if such an organization exists, and chances are it probably doesn't, but all I can do is try. Also, any advice any of you may have is much appreciated. Thank you.
Americans for Safe Access is the only thing I can think of. I don't know if they are free but they try to help. Cops always rape you with charges so when you go to court you plea down to what you should have originally been charged with and you think you got a deal. Its all about $$$
They can't charge you with a crime because they feel like it. They originally charge you with everything they can, yes, but you don't "plea down to what you should have originally been charged with." If you get caught with weed and a pipe, that's two separate charges, not the cop being an asshole. OP, don't say fuck the police because you got caught breaking a law. Being cooperative doesn't mean you should get off with nothing either, but it can possibly help you in court. Nobody is going to disagree with you in regards to marijuana laws being unjust, but like that old saying goes, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Edit: If the worst you're facing is fines, be fucking grateful. Possession charges here are automatic probation, which includes drug testing that they make YOU pay for.
No, fines are only part of the problem. I am also looking at a one year license suspension and up to a year of probation with drug tests. All for less than $10 worth of weed. So no, I will not be "fucking grateful."
Well in missouri on a 1st offense u can ask for an SIS, which if u don't get busted again for 2 yrs it will be expunged from your record, try a public defender, get it down to as low a plea as possible if it was a j say i'll plead guilty to having the paper, but not the weed, be willing to compromise and hold ur attitude. but with the sis u still gotta pay $$$.
Sounds like you broke the law op, that's why you got charged People on this forum dont understand, it's not the police, it's the lawmakers. The police just get paid to enforce the law, they need to feed their family too
Weren't you just bitching in another thread about soldiers doing the same thing? Or was that someone else?
OP, what state are you in? I think NORML might have some links for your state, but I'm not absolutely sure. Do you have a job? When it comes to paying your fines usually the judge will ask how much you make a month, and determine a monthly payment that goes with how much you make. For instance back in '05 I got busted and did a year of probation with drug tests, fucking sucked. I was working at mcdonalds I had to pay at least $65/month for the fines. my fines were in abundance of $2000+. I dont know about the lawyer thing, man. Unless you're getting a REAL lawyer, and not just one that doesn't give a shit what happens to you. If a lawyer tells you he can get you a year of probation or court supervision, you're better off representing yourself.
[quote name='"jeffadamski93"'] Weren't you just bitching in another thread about soldiers doing the same thing? Or was that someone else?[/quote] I called us soldiers pawns. Police officers are pawns. Both need to feed their families but it doesn't give me respect for them nor does it make me hate them Soldiers and police officers sit neutral in my books
You probably reminded that cop of the pothead who banged his girl in high school at the party he didn't go to. Get a public pretender if you can't afford a criminal defense lawyer. If you have no criminal past, a DA is not gonna want to pin you to wall or make an example of you. Just jump through their ridiculous hoops, your life will be okay again someday soon. This thread should also be in 'Real Life Stories.' Not sayin, but I'm just sayin
You should hate anyone who oppresses his neighbors for a paycheck. You should hate anyone who wages imperialist war for a paycheck. Nobody put a gun to their head, but they'll sure as shit put one to yours when the time comes. Fuck police.
[quote name='"Omega369"']Sounds like you broke the law op, that's why you got charged People on this forum dont understand, it's not the police, it's the lawmakers. The police just get paid to enforce the law, they need to feed their family too[/quote] I used to think this way until I really thought about it. The po po are the worst people in this corrupt law enforcement system. They are the soldiers on the street the muscle that enforces those lawmakers policies. Without these enforcers their corruption is not so easy. A cop shot my best friend of 26 years in the face and the neck over a stolen checkbook and a few cds that he had found at a local off road recreational area. My friend had a warrant for unpaid traffic violations and was known to run from police. He called the person who's stuff he found and agreed to meet them and that person brought the police. My friend returned the items and got in his truck and started to leave when the off duty not in uniform pig jumped in front of his truck and shot him twice dead. So what does this cop get for taking law into his own hands by being judge and jury a fucking paid vacation. This happened over 10 years ago for me and I hate the po po with a Passion can't stand there corrupt ways. One of the police that spent years harassing me for riding my bike and skateboard around town apparently it is a crime to be in town if you are young and have no money , had a son who ended up murdering a couple for 36 dollars in food stamps. So he hassles me for nothing for years and in the mean time can't even raise his own son. 3 police in my town I went to school with and they broke way more laws then I growing up one of them was a complete idiot kid. Now they have guns and a license to kill. Two women one the wife of a sheriff and one a wife of a highway patrol used to work for my parents and used to smoke weed with me all the time. You think there husbands treat them line you and book them for possession? I live in California where we are not allowed to own protection (assault) rifles , have to wear seat belts , can't drive while being on a cell phone and have to pay to smog and license are vehicles. Now the police here have AR-15 and a shotgun in there cars , are always on cell phones while driving (dont use radios no more because of scanners mostly) have a laptop computer they are always on and all state vehicles are exempt from smog and licensing. To me they are the criminals the worst of my town. They don't go out and converse with the people of our town and only hangout with each other. And you say they are just doing there jobs? Give me a break. I have more respect for the policy makers then the enforcers. At least the makers believe in what they do , its the enforcers who "are just doing there jobs" that are completely fucked. They are the type that will fire on civilians when ordered, the type that will pepper spray women children. Fuck them all
When cops say "We can do it the hard way or the easy way" what they really mean is "if you make this easy for me I will still fuck you".
[quote name='"Sark"'] You should hate anyone who oppresses his neighbors for a paycheck. You should hate anyone who wages imperialist war for a paycheck. Nobody put a gun to their head, but they'll sure as shit put one to yours when the time comes. Fuck police.[/quote] That sounds pretty extreme I know a lot of police officers, I work around them 12 hours a day. Yes some of them are the kind of power hungry people that joined to abuse people. BUT, there are a few good ones that joined to genuinely help people. I know one officer that was off duty walking downtown, saw a homeless guy getting attacked with a knife, jumped in without any weapons, no workers compensation or back up, got brutally gutted and left for dead. The mugger took off and the homeless guy left. The off duty officer was found 20 minutes later close to dead and he told me "I didn't regret my actions for one second, just knowing I saved that mans life makes me happy" He also smoked pot when he was younger, and disagrees with the pot laws and usually never enforces them, just throws away to weed because it covers his butt from getting fired