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Fuck the Police! (Long Ass Story)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Ryan4Twenty, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Well today i had to take a drivers class for lowering my insurance, and we had a local cop present today, now about 45 min through his presentation he got to drugs and alchohol. First subject was Cannabis, he called dope. He then asked if anyone in the class thinks it should be legalized, I rose my hand. He ended up calling on all the young little kids and asked them why, ofcourse their explanations were horrible. he defended each one by saying that he has seen otopsies that showed "dope" killed 50% of the users braincells after 10 min of use, i yelled out bullshit and he just ignored me. I then stood up and said there has been 0 recorded deaths from cannabis alone, and researchers have been finding that THC is an anti inflammatory and has many uses for therapeutic needs and sleep/ mental disorders. He then had a face that I read as "fuck you asshole", he said sit down or he would arrest me for "probable cannabis possesion" the class members then laughed and said what a dumb pothead. I left the room and said "well then fuck you, you just rake in money for a harmless medicine that people who truly need it like people with fibromialgia and c.o.p.d. will have to go back to your government funded drug companies that have more side-effects than the therapeutic use, so good day sir and I hope you die from alchohol poisening or cancer from cigarettes because those must be a lot better than cannabis" as i shut the door behind me. well thats my story and I now have a hatred for police and uninformed citezins who have grudges on a medicine that saves more lives each day. good day:smoke:
  2. Lol bad ass. Not so much of a long story though

    Some cops can be cool too, don't generalize :smoke:
  3. BADASS what a boss
  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  5. hardcore
  6. Dude thanks for letting everyone know what a badass you are
  7. You shouldve stayed quiet and humillated him with real facts. You lost because you couldnt mantain your point. Sometimes you gotta think cold and act. But I dont blame you because I know its hard to do
  8. That cop is thinking, "Shit, this backfired. Damn smart pot heads." :laughing:

    For you to stand up for what you believe is the bad ass part of this story.
  9. Damn dude such a boss
  10. It would have been better if you played cool and won the argument, but it's all good! Standing up for cannabis is the overall win. Good job, my friend!
  11. Ehhh... I remember this one guy came to visit my school a while back... he was the head of a city council or some bullshit... I forgot...
    But he started saying how he and his people protect us from druggies so I then proceeded to slowly decontruct his bullshit, in front of LIVE cameras...
    He tried comparing black tar heroin with cannabis and I fucking LOL'd right in his face... He started sweating :')
    And after he finished his presentation, he told my class how I will be one of the "big dogs" in society...
    I called him out on that and exposed his condescending attitude...
    He tried shaking my hand as he left, I just looked at him, smirked and did the "get going, scum" hand gesture...
    So fucking boss :')
  12. What a HOSS. JK, most cops are punk bitches.
  13. this story makes me happy and sad at the same time. happy that you stood up to that fucking pig and sad that there is still so much ignorance in the world
  14. Wow! It sounds like you experienced a real-life re-enactment of this classic Cheech & Chong bit:

    [ame=]Cheech and Chong- Los Cochinos-Sargent Stadanko - YouTube[/ame]

  15. You beat everyone to that.
  16. Yeah you gotta keep your cool and calmly state facts, but I see why you did that. But it's not cops, its stupid people. Cops are just people trying to pay a mortgage like everyone else.
  17. respect for that. I dont care who the cop is. I hate every single police officer that will ever roam the face of this planet. and any other planet.
  18. [quote name='"winnipegtoker"']Fuckn BOSS[/quote]

    This ...... Fuck those fools one day they'll be the outcast

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