need to get some shit off your chest about a bitch? do it here. my girl just fucked one of my good friends after dating for 6 months FUCK. THAT. BITCH.
I got high before school with two of my friends and this girl snitched on us. Now my school has drug dogs coming in at least once a month. FUCK THAT BITCH
My ex almost got me killed in a car accident and had the audacity to ask me if I just noticed I was blind in an eye a year after the car accident. FUCK THAT BITCH
I haven't talked to my last ex in like a year but if I still talked to her I'd probably be saying "fuck that bitch" since I said "fuck that bitch" for the whole 3 years we were together soo uhhh Fuck that bitch
my girlfriends amazing. shes bi and brings her girlfriends into bed with us. i do have an ex that stalks me tho. fuck that bitch.