im sick and tired of todays society where sombody is viewed at as a bad person for using drugs or doing any other thing society looks down on. everyone should have their own choice to live their life and not get hassled for it. im tired of being talked to and being looked down on for safe drug use which are used for relaxation and for self spirtual reasons. what is wrong with people today? i dont know about some of you but i just wish i could get out of society and live life how i want to live it without worrying what everyone has to say or think about me or without me possibly being locked up like im at a zoo because of what i choose to do. just a little rant post your views on this if u want
[ame=]YouTube - Great moments in Satanic cinema -Scarface - Bad guy scene[/ame] tony couldnt have said it better.
lmao i was watching that movie a couple hours ago too and when that scene came up i was just thinkin so true
Yeah man, I feel the same. The way the social hierarchy is structured makes me sick. One small group of people being able to make decisions for the rest of the population. What drugs we can use, and who is allowed to use them, which gender we can marry and so on. All our stupid little cars, and picket fence houses, all our status symbols that are so important to some.. All because some rich, greedy CEO decided to advertise his product until we believed we couldn't live without it. We're all here for a short period of time, and as they say: Death is the great equalizer. It makes me really sad that people have somehow become so egotistical that we believe we are not only separate from, but better than, animals and nature. We are a bunch of glorified apes selling our trash to each other, and telling each other what we should and shouldn't do. Man.. I really, really dislike humans
I feel the same, I'm just waiting for the day that we are all wiped out by our own stupidity. The universe won't miss us and will be better off without us.
I feel this way all the time. I just want to get away from society to and go live in the forest and make a garden and live in a small shelter with only the things that I absolutely need. I'm planning on going to Hawaii at the end of Feb this year to work on organic farms so I can learn all about them and how they're run. And I've been getting rid of a lot of my things lol. I have so much useless shit sitting around
I think you have to surround yourself with people that don't have society's conditioned thoughts and ideas running through their heads. It seems like these people are hard to track down but I guarantee they can offer better friendships than those judgemental bastards that grasp onto their possessions, authority, and power like it is life-support.
soooooo whats holdin u back from movin somewhere like that? There are places like that even in the US, its mostly the non materialistic places, not big cities (to my knowledge), places in nature where people completely acknowledge that they are part of our earth, not part of some IDOL IMAGE LIKE SKINNY SUPERMODELS THAT ARE DEPRESSED AND MALNOURISHED, go somewhere that people do not rely on shit like this...COLORADO
this resonates with me on so many levels it's both funny and not funny. i know, it's misanthropic to have such disdain for humanity but to be frank, it's almost like modern mankind has come so far along this thing called "progress" that we as a society have pretty much completely forgotten what it means to actually BE human. i almost want to say "let the world fuck itself over, just let me be who i am" but i know that modern mankind would encroach too much on my own liberties and freedoms that it feels like the only viable means to be a free human is to find a way off this planet. i would love for this to be turned into some sort of movement... a "humanistic" sort of drive that people would have to become self-sufficient on themselves or their small community (their village/tribe) and to have all these small communities to just leave well enough alone for things that don't concern them. it's not that i want to be free to smoke weed, that's only one small thing, i want to be free to be who i am and to embrace what it means to actually LIVE. ... and living? seems to be a dying past-time in today's world.
just ignore it bro. sure there are a lot of low points you can choose to dwell on but at the same time there are some really good people out there who i'm sure would love to toke and have a chat with you. there's a cheesy saying that goes those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. just do your best to be good and spread light and you will attract goodness. point is, be smart and be kind.
the ffs are definetely rolling in their graves, the republic as it stands, one company, under GOD, indivisible with tyranny and debt for all.
Good shit man. Society and the government is so fucked in the head it makes me sick. The daily brainwashing the media constantly pours out amazes me. When authority tells me I am intolerant for not holding all beliefs or religions as true, it makes me want to pack up and move to the woods. I respect every Individuals right to believe what they want, and have no problem living in harmony with them, but that does not mean I have to hold their beliefs to be true. How a small group of men can control the minds of the masses so easily sickens me. I apologize for the rant. Herb is the healing of a nation ; alcohol is the destruction Whoever was the first man to say that deserves a fucking Nobel peace prize Toke on gc, toke on...