Fuck my Dad

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by That Toker, Aug 14, 2012.

  1. So growing up sucked,
    whenever I hungout with a new kid my dad would suck the kids name outta me and if there was any issue or fight over the phone between us while I was out he would call their parents raging, this made it really hard to make friends and have a fun childhood. In high school i had my best friend Cooper who I would blaze with on a daily basis, the only problem was coopers dad hated other parents bothering him or calling him up with complaints. My dad would always call coopers dad and it got so bad with my dads rages (some alcohol involved) coopers dad threatened to tell my dad to fuck off if they ever spoke on the phone or even "drop" my dad if they met in person. So yet again my dad ruined another fucking friendship.

    Getting this out because now its happening to my little brother, why me god why the fuck me, while other parents locally let there kids stay out late and don't give a fuck my dads a total asshole
  2. no offense but sounds like your dad has a alcahol and control issues and prolly deserves on these ass beatings for annoying your friends parents there protective and theres douch your dad has crossed into douch and deserves what he gets from a stranger one day just IMO

    for sympathy well um i have non just keep your friends secret n your dad away
  3. I can relate. My dad would ask to have my friends introduced to him and had to "approve" of every friend I had. Which resulted in me saying fuck that and not having many friends outside of school.

    Some dads are just assholes.
  4. You're an adult. Talk to your dad man to man. Tell him that he needs to lay off and how you felt during your childhood. If you thought it was so terrible and you didn't even enjoy a lasting friendship because of him it's not only your right to tell him but your responsibility. Don't let you brother go through the same thing. Ask him what's the worst that could happen out there? Drinking liquor is probably the worst things young kids do. Your dad's actions will probably drive your brother to lash out instead of just dealing with it like you did. At least, that's what I'm thinking? What do I know?:bongin::bongin:
  5. I have a shitty relationship with my dad all cause of his dis proval of weed, anyways I feel like I can't tell him to fuck off or I'm gonna get kicked out... -.-
  6. #6 InitialToke93, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    Your dad sounds alright man you can tell he loves you and wants to look out for you,

    My dad let me and my siblings do whatever the fuck we wanted because he didn't give a shit about us or what we did,

    It sounds sweet but it wasn't.
  7. #7 Tetra416, Aug 14, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2012
    And to think I was being driven crazy my my mother insisting on meeting all my friends parents in high school when some people have much worse to deal with.

    Have you tried talking to your dad about or is he not the type you can really talk to about things?
  8. Have you told him this cause I know this shit is hard to talk about my dad used to never let me gl on sleepovers cause he thought I'd get taken like in taken and it just fucked me up cause I couldn't get close with people but
    You should just take his phone and happen to misplace it... At least itll slow down the calls
  9. Welll call your bitchass dad out on his blatant bullshit
  10. I hate parents that are like that. My dad was the same. I remember he would always get mad at either my friends or their parents and he would forbid me from hanging out with them. I too had a lot of social problems when I was in my elementary years due to my parents (mostly my dad) pulling acts like that. During my first few months in highschool I got suspended for fighting Nd he took it out .on my best friend. A month later I was falsely accused of possesion and even thoigh I had nothing he grounded me for like 4 months over being falsely accused. I rose up and stood up to him when I was 16 and I almost kicked his ass. After that he has respected me more. And even though I learned to make friends, over come my social problems it still haunts me and really upsets me there are days when I remenice about my childhood nd a lot of other stuff that went wrong like my dad started beating us when we were young Nd it depresses me cause my early years were hell when they could have been one of the best times of my life. And Yea I blame it on my parents cause it wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for them.my advice is to stand up for your bro don't let your brother go through the same shit your dad made you go through. Stand up to your dad if.you have to. Don't be afraid remember he has more to lose than you do.
  11. I thought this was a thread about you whoreing out your dad for money.
  12. My dad was sort of like that, ridiculously controlling. I just ended up not telling him about any of my friends. Throughout school he thought I had like three friends in total ahaha. But if you're eighteen and he's fucking with your little brother stick up for him man, you're old enough to tell your dad to go and fuck himself now.
  13. BEAT HIS ASS. seriously, or else he will ruin your brothers childhood as well.
  14. Ya the other thing that sucke was that if I was out with friends and didn't tell him who they were he would automatically call my best friend even when I wasnt even with him
  15. Change dad to mom in the thread and I'll come back

  16. I feel you man......
    My dad was controlling as fuck. Until I was 18 I had a 9 o clock curfew... Like wtf... most parties start at 9. Then he'd take my phone and my car away if I came home one minute late.

    Then I'd ask the same thing...... Why the fuck does it have to be me and not that rich kid driving in his beamer to parties. Its just how the world works i guess.....
  17. kick em in the nuts and establish your self as the dominant male
  18. You have to talk to him. Make sure it's just you and him, and explain basically what you told us. Tell him that it's hard to make friends, and he needs to trust that he raised you good enough to choose good friends. It sounds like he cares a lot about you guys though.
  19. Its kind of the same for me, but with my mom

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