fuck....my brothers gf just saw me watching porn

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by HighHaze, May 31, 2009.

  1. :(

    i got anxious for a minute after but realized that i kind of dont give a fuck as much as i thought.....i mean, who cares right?
  2. You know, there is a forum for "Real life stories".

    I don't think Pandora's Box is best place to post these kinds of things.
  3. 214 posts and already a forum nazi? sorry if i offended you bro...
  4. Did you at least ask if she would like to join?
  5. actually bro, this is pretty taboo. so you are wrong
  6. it proly made her wet :ey:
  7. or she got a boner................ :ey:
  8. shoulda just started chasin her around wit a pitched tent main ahahahah
  9. WAIT! Were you just watching porn? Or were you doing something else too?...
  10. Lol, who gives a fuck. As long as she didnt see you jackin it ;)
  11. Yeah, cuz I'm a nazi. Got me there man.
  12. Call the Gestapo we have a nazi hater
  13. no, i was done with my business 3 minutes before she stepped in *phew*

    i shouldve closed the window when i was done tho
  14. Call reality, we have a person who can type into a keyboard.
  15. pay the toll, we have a troll

    .... i win because i rhyme?
  16. Why didn't you just exclaim; "OH GOD POP-UPS!"?
  17. ah fuckkkkkkkk...i was too anxious to even come up with such a witty ass excuse but thats a good one
  18. wait how old is your bros gf?

  19. wait did you blow your load out the window? cause if so that is fucking awesome lol
  20. Great thread, 5 stars! Would read again! :hello:

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