Fuck Michael Phelps!!!!!

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by RVD420RVD, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. Things like that don't make me hate. They sadden me. I'm more compelled to love and be compassionate towards you than to cause more pain to the offender. The offender needs to be taught how to act right and separated from those they could hurt again, but it doesn't make the the world a better place to hate him. We must undo the wrong, not create another. Again, I'm sorry, though.
  2. Not yours to be sorry about man. I understand what you're saying, but I don't think anyone will truly understand unless they have suffered the same fate.
  3. If I was him I'd do the same thing. It's a PR stunt, obviously. If I was in his situation I would say that I'm so sorry and that it was a stupid mistake, and then go light up a blunt 10 minutes later.

    Keeping your sponsers/income is pretttttyyyy important.
  4. You're not selfish at all.

    Not more important than benefiting humanity by helping to spread the TRUTH
    (especially if you're in a position like that which would've reached such a broad audience)
  5. This discussion is stupid. It's evident that he cared more about his carreer and perhaps his money than spreading the truth about cannabis. That's his decision. Maybe he just smokes some weed every now and then but doesn't really care about it.
  6. Yup. Announcing that you are a stoner is much more important than anything else in your life. Like raising a family and living a life. We should all go to drug tests high because we are proud stoners and they should hire us anyway!

    yeah. Yall arent selfish either
  7. Fuck Kellogg's too!!!!!
  8. Seems like my kind of PARTY!!!





    :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
  9. Hmmm being selfish or throwing millions of dollars away.

    i think i'll be the selfish egotistical prick and say i've never smoked weed in my life.

    And even if the fights are fake I sure as fuck can't do all that bullshit RVD does so he gets props for me.

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