Fuck Michael Phelps he gets caught with a bong and does what? Come out and says so what it should be legal? No he says sorry and that it was stupid unlike pro wrestler rob van dam or singer of skid row Sebastian Bach who go on tv and support weed way to sell out phelps FUCK YOU!!!
Yeh I lost all respect for him after that but damn dude did you just come out of a coma or something that was a few years ago. He ended up losing his sponsors and getting suspended anyways but he acted like a spineless bitch during the process.
Yea..maybe he should have pulled a ricky williams and practically thrown his entire career away ....The guy did what he had to do to keep his image intact and continue making money I don't blame him for that..I do see where you are coming from OP but at the same time I don't really hate on people for taking alternative paths to happiness in their life...just my opinion
There comes a point where you have enough money and you no longer have to sell out. Of course I can't speak for him because I don't know how much money he has and whether or not he even believes marijuana should be legal.
Thank u I was just about To write that and if he's hitting a bong n smoking I would say it only makes sense he would want it legal
Well, he already had a lot of money and even if he smoked, people would still be willing to sponsor him. Who knows, it could even open up a few new doors for his career. I dunno what I'd think if I seen him wearing a "hightimes" cap next time he swims in a competition. Maybe he wasn't "passionate" about legalization or marijuana in general. It could have just been a simple way of getting fucked up and that's all that mattered to him. It's like that for a lot of people. It would have been cool if he stood up for it but I can see why he wouldn't if he really didn't care that much about it.
I think its pretty safe to say that he was on the path to throwing his career away..and yes he does have a job now and it requires him to pass a piss test..best believe Thank you ...obviously this statement cant speak for everyone but its speaks for the majority of individuals I feel
Sorry to double post..I don't understand this logic though..If the guy would have taken (any other drug) then you would assume that he wants it to be legal??
The legality of the herb isnt gonna keep me from smoking it; Maybe he was afraid he would lose fans, and sponsors, if i was getting paid like him id do the same, Honestly id rather have a good job, than to have a shitty job and be able to smoke weed
Let the fans see your true self don't become fake just cause the media sees u in a bad light and btw he lost me as a fan when he apologized 4 it
Yes I have great show I would still like people to see the real me and not this guy that likes to apologize for stuff he knows he shouldn't be apologizing for