fuck me in the ass

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Troubadour, Feb 16, 2009.

  1. ok i was with three of my friends who smoke weed, and one is like, ill give you 1.5g of blueberry yumyum, so im thinkin "ok ill just sell to someone else 10$ for .5g and make more money" and im like "let me see it" so he hands me it and im holding the 20 in my hand and i smell it and say "this is oregano" so he snatches it and rides off on a skateboard and im riding my bike after him no hands cause hes so slow, and i hear him yelling "HELP I SOLD THIS KID OREGANO".

    And i see this kid at school everyday. im gonna cut off his dick and cover it in oregano and mail it to him.

  2. Yea.........And how old are you
  3. i would have rode up to the side of him and kicked him off his board then pick it up and smash his face in with it

    youre a bitch for letting it slide, and i have no respect for you

  4. LOL, Funny shit
  5. You just ruined my day, I thought this was a thread about some girl needin' some rammin'
  6. i wouldve but it was in the middle of a grocery store parking lot with hundreds of people

  7. lol its so forward and blunt....hehe.... blunt
  8. i seriously thought when i opened this thread 'is she hot?'

    but damnit. no, i see no butthole, and now theres another middle school kid in here. lifes fantastic.

    and find him and beat the shit out of him. that simple.
  9. you shoulda just knocked his ass off his skateboard put your foot threw the middle of it. and gotten you money back
  10. #11 Blaz3, Feb 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 16, 2009

    ure a brave man to do no handed with 100's of people around, i had a whole, empty road and still bailed hitting a big ass cat. Couldnt you catch the kid at the time if he was going so slow you felt the need to do some dave mirra shit
  11. You shouldn't be smoking weed. It's really not healthy for 12 year olds.
  12. Fark you in the face. This is why I lose faith in humanity a little bit each day.
  13. haha +rep man
  14. are you even old enough to be on this fourm. sure doesnt sound that way from the way you talk.....

    this is a 18+ fourm no middles schoolers allowed
  15. Hes not smoking weed
    Hes smoking oregeno Lol
  16. You had a bike, and let him get away skating? what the fuck is wrong with you? you had the upper hand, could have fucked him up, and SHOULD have.

    Now that you fucked that up, the best way to save face and dish out justice would be for you and some TRUSTWORTHY friends with baseball bats to pay him a visit. Even if you don't fuck him up, scare the living shit out of him and get your money back.

    Pussy. You had a chance and let it slide, then came on the internet and started talking about cutting his dick off. You're so hard...
  17. You should have stalked him on the skateboard, just follow him, dont say anything. Hes bound to do something stupid out of fear, like fall off, trip off, almost (or actually) get hit by a car.
  18. Wow your are seriously Retarded. How are u gonna let someone run off with 20 dollars, and they gave u oregano, not even schwagg. hahha.

    Dumb little middle schoolers.
    I bet you dont even know how to wipe ur ass.

    im surprised u know how to use a computer:p
  19. Look out its the age police. hahahahahaha

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