Fuck me hands down baby

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by since93, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. Is this a cheat code?:confused:
  2. I don't understand your "art" or how anyone ever calls things like this "art". i guess anything can be art, my crap this morning had a nice abstract flow, but i don't post of pics of it, or expect to see things like that in art shows.

    I'm sorry, but putting a bunch of arrows on a solid background is not art to me. To me, art requires skill and creativity, this does not have either.
  3. I'm sorry but art isn't made in 30 seconds on ms paint. Try and move away from purple on yellow look
  4. DAMN!...and heres me thinking im the next dali...:rolleyes:
  5. Art is whatever you want it to be
  6. amen.

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