Fuck Life

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by k6ger1228, Jul 17, 2008.

  1. Embrace everything no matter positive or negative.
  2. life does blow.. Do not try to live life planned. everything happens for a reason though.. i guess.
  3. :eek:->;)->:)->.
  4. ahem

  5. Everything does not happen for a reason. And I don't embrace anything that doesn't bring me pleasure. I acknowledge it's existence, but I don't embrace it. But fuck life.
  6. fuck the bullshit 4 sho
  7. So some-thing happens for absolutely no reason at all?
    Or is it that the reason is beyond your comprehension?

    But if it were embraced, would it not cease to be negative? Without doing so, the negative takes control, and thus produces the "fuck life" point of view.

    "Fuck Life" could also be interpreted not as a negative point-of-view on one's life, but as a rejection of societal prejudices as to what one's life "is."

  8. True, but in order to make yourself feel that everything is positive, one must either believe in a higher power (which I can't do) or have INCREDIBLE will power that very few have.

  9. If not for some "higher reason," you must surely believe that there was a cause for that thing?

    Who says a Power must be a "higher" one? Could it not be equal with yourself, inseparable even?

  10. Well it depends on what you mean. If you mean a completely literal definition, sure, there's a cause. But when people say "there's a reason for everything", they mean that events all work towards one purpose, that everything is a plan. That is what I find hard to believe. As for the higher power thing, only a higher power can create a plan for all action to be a part of.
  11. Maybe try to find the will to have one of those INCREDIBLE wills? :D
  12. My thoughts exactly.

    I can imagine it in now, looking at everything in your life as helping you get where you want to go, whether your first initially viewed it as good or bad.

    Not only would it give you immense powers to embrace every situation but you would be pretty productive as well.

    Sidenote: This forum amazes me at what some people come up with. Yes some of it may be cliche, but there are some very interesting views that arise from a topic saying Fuck Life.

  13. I'd welcome it if I could, but I don't know many people that can just will a situation into a positive.
  14. Well technically anybody can but choose not to. I know I don't all the time, but have and will see everything as something positive
  15. Why must anything that is not readily accessible to the average human mind be deemed "higher?"
  16. Because it has power that we don't I guess.
  17. Or, power that you think you don't have...
  18. distance provides security.
  19. If our existence was meant to be bring upon constant intervals of elation, then what would be the point? Don't you all view others in a different limelight when the chips are stacked against them and yet they still prevail? That is the beauty of life. If everything was that easy there would be no road of discovery. And that is just boring.

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