fuck ignorance

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by wolsdam, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. ignorance can be a real bitch sometimes man. i hate how people can be so god damn naive about shit.

    so this is how my story goes.. my parents found out that i smoked up by a cousin that ratted on me. he found out through some mutual friends and decided it'd be a good idea to tell them. so my parents made me move back home from my apartment, had to craigslist my apartment to someone so they knew i wouldn't be going back. so my dad went a way for a few days for some business stuff so i decided it'd be a good time to show my mom the union and have an open discussion about pot to her. thought she'd be understanding and what not.. oh by was i wrong. she saw the union, half way through it was like this is bullshit, some stoners made this to brain wash people i know this is bad and thats it, do not question me. that hit a pretty bad nerve for me because i started getting all defensive, showed her the facts and all but yet she still couldn't understand. i told her that i'm going to do it no matter what, it's my life let me decide. she start bugging say that you're killing me inside by doing it, its nothing good, don't. so fucking tired of that bullshit god damn. she always tries to guilt me into shit and well i didn't fall for it this time. i called her out on it and she just sat there silent then proceded to cry. well as angry as i was, no way in hell could i deal with my mom crying so i told her stuff that'd appease her and get her all happy and shit. then the next day she told me she looked up stuff and found out that it kills people and that its bad and gives people heart attacks. WHAT THE FUCK?!

    god i've never been so angry in my life. i really hope karma gets my cousin because he has really destroyed my well being.

    i wish i could have more understanding parents but i guess god doesn't want me to.

    gonna try it with my dad and see what he says, maybe he'll be a bit more understanding.

    tldr, got ratted on, forced to move home, tried to convince mom to let me smoke and it backfired
  2. If you are of age why are you listening to your parents when they tell you that you have to move home?
  3. it's an asian thing, part of our culture, can't really say no to them about certain things because you know they will whoop ass if you don't comply. thats what i get for being from the orient..
  4. Oh wow. Well try relating it to something they do if they have any habits or something like that. I feel bad for you though, that's a little unfair.
  5. Why did you move back in, move the fuck out. Visit your mother, if still ignorant leave and never visit that bitch again.
  6. Well... you failed.
  7. Try showing your own research. I keep saying it. The union is crap. If you are trying to convince someone, its not going to be through some video. Find actual studies and show that
  8. Possibly his mother/father assist on rent and can't afford it without them.
  9. Op, you reak of ignorance.
    Also, why the hell are you getting mad at someone just because they don't see things your way? People are going to have opinions, and sometimes your not going to be able to persuade them to see it your way. Get use to it, man. Tis' life.
  10. Sometimes people get an idea so ingrained in their head it becomes impossible to change their mind. You can keep trying to convince them, but worst case scenario, you can just keep your smoking away from them and keep it on the DL (though it might be harder now that you're living with them).
  11. His parents don't have opinions, they have lies.
  12. Why does everyone seem to think that showing their parents The Union will spontaniously convince them that weed is good?
  13. Still...
    If presented with influential information that is %100 percent correct doesn't change someones mind, getting upset and bitching to grasscity (negative vibes, mind you) sure as fuck isn't going to work either.
  14. Never said it would. :rolleyes:
  15. It might not make them think it's "good" but it will at least change their "pot will kill you" state of mind.
  16. Anyone who actually believes it will kill you is a buttfucking moron that probably wouldn't even understand half the words in the show.
  17. Damn that sucks bro. I can't offer any quality advice really because I haven't been caught [yet]. If that happened to me though, my cousin would be in a lot of pain right now..

  18. i mean i didn't mean to bring negative vibes to gc. i kind of used it as a release from all the bottled up emotions. needed to rant to get it off my mind. i'm only human lol
  19. Well OP's mom fits that criteria :rolleyes:
  20. When I'm a parent, hell fvckin no my kids will not be smoking pot. Now, I'm not going to throw a hissy fit like your parents probably did, but you have to understand where they are coming from. Do you really expect them to support a bad habit? Would they support you smoking cigarettes? it's a similar situation to them. If I were you I'd just toke up on the DL. Save them the stress.

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