Go to your bed, curl up in a fetal position and cry yourself to sleep for this punishment you received from God.
Should I just scrap it? I think it's hermie and I hear they're useless Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
@Timmah! Male for sure. Yank him and rock on with the other 5 plants you started the same time knowing you have a boy or 4. BNW
Def male. Looks like a few sacks popped already too. I hope your females are no where near these guys! I would definitely try to spot those males MUCH earlier so you don't have any pollination issues. (unless youre collecting pollen). good vibes
Thanks for the quick advice. All three of my other plants are in very close proximity first grow growing pains. Hope they aren't fucked Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Put a trash bag over the plant secure the bottom and chop the plant asap. Dispose of away from your other plants.
The bad news. Male. Not hermie, but full blown male. More bad news. Your crop is now pollinated. Good news. You will have a couple hundred seeds from this harvest that will be un-feminized. Enjoy.
How much does the thc content reduce when fertilized? I've smoked decent pot before with seeds in it, I hope it's not too bad Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
If they just shot a banana I'd sat go buy some Optic Foliar Switch. But that's full blown male with full blown pollen. In your situation it wouldn't help
Awesome. Thanks for all the help and. information, great community so far. Wish I could smoke you guys out for all the help Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum