Fuck Facebook - Who's With Me?

Discussion in 'General' started by BlazinBlizzard, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. I agree sorta, I use it to keep in contact with friends from other states and cousins and stuff but man is that place getting lame. I work in the library at my college and while walking around the computer area all I see if 90% of the people on facebook and half of them are playing some stupid game like farmville or mafiawars. Its going to be a worthless site before you know it.
  2. I stopped using it cause I realized there is a good reason I don't talk to most of these people anymore anyway so why would I bother "reconnecting"
  3. i check facebook on my phone on the bus on my way to and from classes.

    my college recently got these wifi buses lol they're fucking awesome. makes my 7 minute bus ride feel like a 1 minute bus ride hahaha
  4. Fuck Facebook, Fuck online socializing in general. I hate feeling like an outcast because i dont upload my interest, personality, life and inner thoughts onto a .com address.

    That being said Myspace has been and is still a great tool for uploading music.
  5. idk what i think of facebook.. on n off i use it but it's been a month or two i think.
    i mean - people say its a nice way to keep in touch with those you otherwise wouldnt.. i say .. why are you wasting time on people you wouldnt talk to outside of the internet?

    i mean unless you think theres realistic potential for a fuckin physical (or at least visual or tangible) relationship.. thats another siuation

    but for real yall phones/txt? thass enough for me to keep in touch with those that i want to be in touch with. sounds like yall just afraid of having real relationships with people you think or wish you could have real relationships with. and as far as sharing pics go - of course man pics are a great archive of experiences and memories but i'll just share em with ppl i see..
    - agree to disagree.

    peace out
  6. That's exactly why I stopped using Myspace. When I made my Facebook, I was selective about who I added, asking myself if I might actually care about something they posted.

    Facebook just has a much more mature vibe. The same people who use totally improper grammar and shorthand on Myspace actually clean up their act a bit on Facebook.

    So far, aside from the apps and groups, Facebook is totally solid. I like the real time updates and Facebook chat has pretty much replaced texting for me.
  7. Idk, outside looking in, it seems to me that your nobody unless you have 1000+ friends

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