Fuck bro

Discussion in 'General' started by boobtree, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. Took a 3 day horrible t break after 3 years of 5x a day smoking daily. I just smoked for the first time and I was heading like people screening in the background and little people talking but it's just the train.

  2. Haha. Enjoy 3 days ain't but but a day will make that first smoke get me pretty high.
  3. 3 day t-break?

  4. Umm he said he smoked 5x a day, daily, for years. For moderate users it wouldn't do much, but for him that would make a significant difference.

  5. been there done that.
    it is terrible when you can't smoke up after smoking that much for so long.

    im on day 4 of no smoking right now.
    plan on taking a 3 to 4 week t-break.
    wish me luck!

  6. Good luck dude. It's definitely hard if you don't have lots of self-control (I don't) and what makes it even worse is that cannabis is one of the very few things that give me solace in this horrible world.

    I'm starting a month-long t-break tomorrow so I'll be with you on that. I find that after the first 3-4 days it gets significantly easier. After that point you don't feel like you need it as much, but I definitely crave it until I'm reunited.

    Also, I find that working out really helps during a t-break. When you work out your brain releases serotonin and some other chemical that make you happy (like a runner's high). Working out 1-2 a day usually satisfies my craving for cannabis. Plus it keeps you healthy and shit. I definitely recommend trying it out; you have nothing to lose.
  7. I find taking 5-htp supplement while on a t-break really takes the edge off. Hell, I find it improves my high at times too, when not breaking.
  8. for op, 3 days wouldnt bring his tolerance down at all.. he would have to wait at least 2 weeks for his tolerance to noticeably go down

  9. Nope. Have you ever skipped smoking for a day? Because I have, multiple times, and after that day I felt higher than usual; not to the point we're I was stoned to the bone, but higher, nonetheless. Three entire days for for someone who usually smoke 5 times a day will make a notable difference.
  10. [quote name='"ResinHits"']for op, 3 days wouldnt bring his tolerance down at all.. he would have to wait at least 2 weeks for his tolerance to noticeably go down[/quote]

    Thank you for your super smart wisdom bro.
  11. The best way i know how to take a t break is to not have money to buy bud lol. If you can't afford it it's alot easier.

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