On Abovetheinfluence.com for Marijuana, one of the biggest bullshit things i have ever heard, it says that weed is dangerous because hundreds of thousands of teens are in rehab programs. I wonder why...? BECAUSE THEIR PARENTS ARE BRAINWASHED. NOW... back to being high
I love how I'm drunk and I can recognize a grammatically incorrect sentence in the marijuana quiz they give.. I guess booze is the way to go! lol jk about the booze is the way to go part
I wouldn't last long in one of those programs. Him: You're here for a reason, do you know why weed is bad for you? Me: You know it has anti-cancer properties right? When you are on your death bed, i'll be blowing O's. Go lecture a retard so you can feel smart.
I had to take a drug ed class after i got busted and it was pretty much like that for the first few classes. I couldn't keep my mouth shut and almost got sent to another class. I eventually stopped pointing out that her facts (such as smoking cannabis may increase male breast size) are rubbish just so i could get out of there. I was literally pissed off at everything she said.
Being forced to go to one of those things would be hard. You want to get out of that bullshit, but you also want to smack the dumbass infront upside their head. Personally..I might have to hit them..but maybe not..tough choice!
my old roommate said i'm going to start getting man tits if i don't quit smoking weed. he was completely serious.
In high smoke school health class some dumbass came in and started lecturing about it and I shut her down. Half the class applauded me.
Haha Back in my high school anti drug class our teacher said that THC would damage your sexual organs and you wouldn't be able to have children or something. A friend of mine asked why they dont make it legal with an age limit then and the teacher replied "Because it makes you high!" lol.
Why should it piss me off? They are an anti-drug group. Do you think they would be explaining medical marijuana?
So you are for an organization that does literally nothing for the community? On top of that lies about marijuana? And spends taxpayer dollars? I'm not sure if you're serious right now... Just because that's what they're supposed to do doesn't mean it's right. Serial killers kill all the time but that's what they're supposed to do so i guess it's ok.
So if they dont piss me off, I must be for them? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpPABLW6F_A]YouTube - Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists[/ame]
So you don't care that they spend taxpayer money, fabricate lies and do nothing for the community? Just.... wow.
Actually, so many people are in rehab programs for weed because in many states when you get charged with possession, they give you the choice to either go to jail or go to one of those rehab programs. So basically the government found a way to make misleading statistics to continue its 'reefer madness' campaign.
Just another grain of sand in the pile. Show me one organization that hasnt done everything you have said. I probably do have my priorities all fucked up. Im more interested in the people who are "losing" billions of dollars, recklessly spending trillions, and who have launched an all out assault on the American public. And ATI is what pisses you off?
That is on the unending list of things that piss me off. It just hits close to home because someone close to me was dragged into it by her parents. I'll 'talk' to them when i get the chance. Idk, it just seemed like you were ok with this anti-drug nonsense.
Why the hell would I have 15k posts here if I was ok with ATI? I learned a while ago to ignore these kinds of groups. They arent going away, any they are only worth anything if you pay attention. Any smart person will do their own research on any subject they are interested in, instead of getting their info from a source who openly has an agenda. Yes, NORML included.