Trying to help a mate I set him up with a thermostatic heat tray and a domed seed tray under a 105 coiled flouro. Lazy bugger ALWAYS let the tray dry out and after a few thinks came up with this, probably not original but...what I need is devil's advocates and advice. What I did was... I bought double thermostatic heat tray and two domes, 4 seedling trays and 4 slotted seedling trays to fit. I also bought a roll of capilliary matting and cut 4 mats that would fit into a typical slotted seedling tray, and one mat that fitted snugly into the floor of the heat tray and three wicks. I place the fitted capilliary matting onto the heat tray after moistening thoroughly and I then place two standard seedling trays on top. I put a piece of wet matting in each then placed the seedling tray with the other wet matting in place on top. I then placed two seedlong trays together length wise on a table, and place two inverted, (upside down) stotted seedling trays into them, (had to take the long lip off them with scissors and they fit perfect, (DON"T USE A BLADE)!!!) to act as a combined stand and dual reservoir, then placed the double heat pad on top, perfect fit, (light block to reses). Tank One, as I like to call him, has tap water (really good in Oz), and I run a 2 inch by 8 inch wick from the tank over the side of the heat tray and under the top sheet of matting in the slotted tray. Place another same sized wick under the mat on the haet tray (ONLY FROM THE PURE WATER). Tank Two can be manipulated, basically a next stage nutrient tank, next size block, no lid, same light. I also found if you ever want to flood/add something special all you need to do is fill a cup or other receptacle and raise its head height above the heat tray and voila!!! I know of the aero methods but most of my theory is based on using the least electronic or mechanical devices as possible. BTW Jim Fah is an Asian/Aussie god. Gurgle him... I have always, since its availability used rockwool cloning cubes, and they draw well in this situatin
wow you did what? that is way too complicated if you are using a humidty dome and it keeps drying out then you are the problem all you need to do is spray it with water and the heat mat is not neccessary but it helps the root zone only needs to be a little warmer than the air. I couldnt even read all of this it was way too complicated. just get some clonex and some rapid rooter plugs if you are going to do it that way and these come together in a 50 pack keep it simple it is a plant not a space
forget all that crap and make a aerocloner or a bubblecloner. use the search function for some good DIY, you can make a cadillac for like 30 bucks.
I made an aeroponic cloner with a bucket....
I cut the leaves in half of the "prospects" 1st day in the flower room. Week later after they heal a bit, I come back with a bowl of water. Cut and put in water, dip in the gel, put into rockwool cubes and put into 1/2inc of water. In an automatic icecube tray So far i am 23 of 26 clones.. no moving parts. though not as cool as the awesome cloners online.
Bubble cloner in my sig... mny people having great success... they are in there to... It really simplifies it mate... look into it for sure... sounds like ur buddy could do it with this as its fill and forget for 7-14 days... wont dry out and no dome needed...