Hi last night I recieved a clone, but the person left it in the back of the car for 6 hours in -2 temps. I took a 2 galon pot and filled it with room temp mix (potting, perlite etc). Soaked the mix with ph balaced water and CIL Plant Starter (rooting stim). I then placed 2 23w clf on a Y socket against the sides of the bucket to warm and promote root growth. I also used 6 23 cfl half cool half warm and placed them hanging with 6 inches of the plant. It has been 12 hours and still no change all the leafs are soft and just lay on the edge of the pot or on the dirt. I sprayed it with water to keep it moist. What do I do.
I don't have much experience with cold temps but it sounds like what is done is done. It might pick itself back up but I doubt it.
It is gone. 6 hours in negative degree temps is way to long. especially for a baby clone. sorry man. least it was just a clone.
yea sorry to hear that dude, once the plant gets hit with below freezing temps it ruptures/destroys cells or something like that, which cant be repaired so they just continue to dye no matter maybe the 'person' that f**ked it could get/buy u a new1 as its his fault, i would 4 a buddy