from first signs of hair, how long does it take to see the first flower/bud?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by dude1, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. because my flower, the leaves are still vertical and closed, and has not open or bloomed . the white hairs are jsut growing a little longer each day. and at the hair sites, do tehy turn into buds? or what? brief description on what should i expect? its been 4 days since hair shown
  2. I'm in my first grow still. and only about 3 weeks into flowering, but what I noticed is that about a week after the first hairs started showing around the nodes, some small white hairs started showing up in the new growth at the top and ends of the side stems.

    It looked like this - just a few hairs here and there.


    The a few days later it looked like this. Hairs starting to show in the new growth at the top. Buds starting to forum on lower nodes.



    The after like two weeks, it looked like this.



    Not sure where it goes from there because that's where I am now basically. Just the buds are still growing bigger.

    I'd say if you saw the first sign of hairs a 4 days ago, you should start seeing definite bud growth within the next three or four days.

    But again, I'm a noob and I'm sure all those things vary depending on a lot of factors.
  3. props man! thanks for the pics from different time periods, kinda gave me a picture what i should expect. im at the first picture still. how long did it take for you to get to the second picture? from first signs of hair

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