from far east

Discussion in 'General' started by chadwarden, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. sup fellow dank loving brothers. im currently living in korea, and BOY is it dry. we're talking, i can find dank once a year dry. =(

    bout to start my closet growing tho. any of you living in korea by any chance!?! i understand this is a big community (biggest dro forums on the internet) and was hoping to find anyone else in korea chnill enough for a session or 2 when the dank is good to go!!!!!
  2. ill give you 1 gram of dank for a chicken
  3. shoot. ill get you like 10 chickens. prices here are ridiculous. we're talking, like 150~200 usd per GRAM.
  4. I'm part korean and my uncle came to america for the first time. He never smoked weed, but I knew he wanted to and couldnt because of how rare it is in korea. So I smoked him up good when he came, he looked so fucked up, I didnt think he could get any more ***** eyed. And he didnt speak a word of english so I was just laughing my ass off.
  5. oh man. this is making me want dank even more.

    cmon, there HAS to be someone that lives in korea with access to dank!!!!
  6. ya i hear the prices of weed are so ridiculous in asia, partially because of the laws. i heard stories about really expensive japan weed, didnt sound worth it.

  7. bumped for any korean bros

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