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From Chronic to Zero... are these symptoms normal?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by breatheheavy, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. Hey everyone, I've been smoking weed on a daily basis since around October. I have a case of Seasonal Affective Disorder, and I live in Canada, so I get pretty depressed in the winter time. To top it off, I work a shitty job at the moment. So every day after work I would come right home and get blitzed until bed time. It made me stop being depressed, look forward to going home after work, overall it just made me happy again.

    But I think I got stupid and let my life revolve around it. First of all I've probably spent thousands on it. (Main reason I need to quit), second, my tolerance is WAY too high. It's just not fun anymore. So I'm taking a break, at least a few months off.

    I'm finding it extremely hard to eat, I feel nauseous all the time. I've probably gone 5-6 days without smoking so far. My mood is all over the place, I'll be happy and then for no reason just start crying, and it's like I get this dark cloud over my head all day telling me to CAVE and go toke. I want to be a strong woman. I want to prove to myself that I'm in control. It's just so hard when I can't eat, sleep, and feel like shit all the time.

    Has anyone else gone from being a daily toker to stopping completely and felt kind of sick for a little while? Is this normal? Or is it probably to do with the fact that I'm depressed anyway.. maybe a little of both? I don't even know

    Any advice or support would be very very much appreciated guys
  2. I suffer slightly from SAD. Its more or less just the depression. Your mind is used to smoking. Not smoking is making you more depressed since its what helps your depression and it throws off your routine. Its not withdrawal or anything like that. Once you get over the hump of being depressed from not being able to smoke, youll get better. But the SAD itself will probably still be there. Try to lay outside on sunny days and soak up the rays. There are also vitamins that give you the same vitamins you get from sunlight, so you can try taking those.
  3. If you want more psychedelic highs from weed, lower your tolerance and smoke less often.

    If you just want to enhance your life with weed, increase tolerance.

    Sounds like you want the psychedelic highs? Then keep breaking from the weed, eventually your body will get back to normal.

    Take a Vitamin D pill to get the necessary vitamin while the sunny days are still few and far between.

    For sleeping, take melatonin before bed, for a few days. Should work like a charm.

    Eating, I can only recommend trying to eat fruits and vegetables. They seem to be the only thing that I can really eat when I go without weed.
  4. #4 HIGH IQ, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011

    She is suffering from depression and cures it with bud. Shes smoking to the point where her tolerance is too high for it to make a difference. She needs to find alternative activities to lessen the depression. Not smoke more, or just smoke less. But if anything she needs to moderate how much she smokes.

    Excersice, drink lots of green tea and drinks that have tons of antioxidants. Eat foods that raise your metabolism. The heightened metabolism will help your tolerance. The antioxidants will also help your tolerance (drink alot of liquids in general, and excersicing will A) cause you to lose weight which will help your tolerance, B) clean out your system which also helps tolerance.

    ^^^ This is a great formula and system to have a good tolerance besides simply not smoking. Here is a good list of foods that raise metabolism -

    Vitamin D3 specifically is what you are looking for.

    and all melatonin does is reset your internal clock. Its not really a sleeping pill. If you wake up at 9 in the morning and take it at 10, its not going to really do anything. Take it around the natural time you will go to sleep.

  5. Thanks a lot for your advice & understanding, I really appreciate it
  6. No problem. I suffer from severe social anxiety, depression, and general anxiety. Bud is my cure and ive run in to the same problems you have in the past. Metabolism, and moderation are the keys.

    Try finding a creative hobby that takes your mind of things as well. Im a musician and a guitarist, and playing guitar always takes my mind of my anxiety and depression.

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