Frightening quote by Obama...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by yurigadaisukida, Jul 8, 2013.

    Once diagnosed and they are pretty sure the cancer cells have not left the prostate, the "cure" is to have it surgically removed, radiated, or frozen (cryosurgery). If it is advanced, and the cells have left the gland you're kinda fucked, long term. They can keep you alive for a good number of years (all kinds of variables) but it will eventually kill you, most likely.
    Maybe you were thinking of pancreatic cancer . . . ? A diagnosis is nearly always a death sentence, and it comes quickly. I knew a guy that died from it 6 months after being diagnosed. He was a good guy too, he left behind a wife and teenaged kids.
    FUCK THIS SHIT! Let's talk about happy shit, like Obama!
    Hey, wait a minute . . .

    As Marizu said, what we have is crony capitalism and I will throw in a mixture of fascism. But one can get lost in these arcane definitions of the various "isms."
    I just want to be left alone by the government, and for them to leave everyone else alone too as long as they're not harming anyone else.
  3. We will all go to Valhalla bro. Chill. Booze and titties.
    Ass! Gotta have ass with dem titties and booze!
  5. #105 jay-bird, Jul 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2013
    1) This is where you go wrong and unrealistic comparing Pepsi to heroin. The comparison between already legal products that are bad when not used in moderation, and hard drugs is a selfish and unnecessary one.
    2) Vaping mostly. Smoking it in moderation.. Depending on the condition of your body.
    3) haha ok
    4) Yes, because it isn't some. It is many, who affect many more by their drug use.
    5) That's cool, if you do it away from the public eye. The state should not decriminalize or legalize these drugs, due to loss of societal health. I beieve that weed is a different story.
    6) That is a great point, however I still hold to my feelings and do not condemn their policy about other drugs.
    What I'm saying isn't so much propaganda as it is the sentiments of people
    "america" was not great cuz of its money. it was great because of its quality in work, And innovations.
  7. No it's not, grasscity is product, what it users do with the product or in their spare time is of no concern to them, almost exactly like my example.

    Is that like the same number of people who are lazy because they smoke weed? Oh and nice generality, don't get into specifics because otherwise your argument falls on its ass. Perfect example is obviously Portugal where all drugs are decriminalized and addiction is treated as a public health issue.

    Loss of societal health lol, and here we go. It's for their own good, they don't know any better, etc etc. This is just more propaganda and you don't even know it. Can you not even see the corollary between hard drugs and weed? It boils down to whether or not you believe people should have sovereignty over their bodies, you clearly don't think they should. What's good for the goose is not for the gander. How do other people's problems get pushed on to me? It's just asinine.

    It's their website, they can do what they want with it. My frustrations lies in their poor reasoning for doing what they want with it, and the fact that these changes were implemented(much to the chagrin of the people on the website) long after I signed up.

    No it's definitely propaganda, and don't get it twisted, the sentiments of people are loaded with bias and propaganda. You're using the exact same arguments and tactics politicians have used to keep marijuana illegal. It's dangerous. It's bad for their health. Public safety. People don't know any better. FEAR MONGERING! etc.

    Things should be done on a case to case basis, not some blanket you throw over the country and hope it protects them from the boogeyman you make up.
  8. Whcich were possible because of tue free market

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    And those are the results of freedom, not government (its opposite).
  10. #110 jay-bird, Jul 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2013
    Ouch. I guess I'v been served by individual sovereignty?

    Portugal is not a model society by any means, however in the battle of individual sovereignty vs. standards, the standards usually win out when acknowledging society's regulations, beliefs and fears.

    Those are the two sides to this argument, including many other topics.

    A(n) (group of) indivudal(')s personal sovereignty **which throughout the dawn of time has been checked by other people, (living) things or mother nature and the earth itself**
    - Vs. -
    The laws and regulations which society creates.

    The wants and needs of many outweigh the wants and needs of a few.

    Rather than copping out, and focusing on the easily conceivable point of personal sovereignty (although many believe that this is in fact the ultimate and only point that matters :laughing: ) try and think about why drugs like these (asides early natural or medicinal usage) were stigmatized and usually discouraged and outlawed. Like I said, weeed? Totally different story.

    EDIT* BTW I totally agree about the case by case basis but unfortunately it seems to be a "utopian" concept which may only be applied to nations like America along with major governmental and cultural reform. Especially to efficiently uncover truths and have righteous verdicts accordingly
  11. It's not a utopian concept and the fact that you view it as such just shows how much the propaganda has gotten to you.

    I stated my points and you basically didn't refute any of them, just brought up why you think marijuana is a different case.
  12. #112 jay-bird, Jul 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2013
    I think it is; not because I support the current system but because I know it is so corrupt and the change won't just happen like that. I shouldn't have put it like that, but maybe the more I do the more people will see.
  13. Of course I didn't refute your points because to do that I'd have to link statistics from people doing the research or with the PhDs that show how much worse hard drugs are for individual health and safety of society in terms of crime and social statistics. And I'm lazy right now.
    But if you believe that since other things cause harm and lack of forward progression in what is considered a "normal and productive modern life" then okay fine I guess you can add more fuel to the fire by caring about individual sovereignty that much and legalizing all drugs.
    The moral drug argument is completely a moral one that some people just take a stand with - "I don't want to raise my family in a place that tolerates and doesn't shun this behavior" - but I see you're way above that moral argument.
    But why even ask the redundant question? Of course murder is still murder if you are wearing a uniform.
    Police officers should have a higher moral standard than the average Joe, but they are also people.
    It's not just physical health that needs to be taken into consideration. Do you know anyone addicted to heroin? I do. Them using that has fucked up more than just their physical health. Anti cannabis hype is mostly propaganda, but that's not related to the actual harm other drugs can and do cause, or why (I think) other drugs need strict controls.
    When did America have a true free market?
  15. Have we forgotten that talk of drugs like you guys are doing is against the rules?
    Couldn't your points have been made without typing that word?

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