friends who mooch?

Discussion in 'General' started by greendragon756, Apr 25, 2012.

  1. we smoke every friday and we all go to my apartment and smoke in the bathroom

    ok so i have 3 smoker friends chris rory and eric. im the only one who ever buys weed out of the 4 of us, rory is barley ever allowed over ( his dad thinks we are a bad influence on him or some stupid stuff :mad: ).

    When ever rory brings weed he acts like he is the king of the castle or some shit and that we should all listen to him and is a whinny baby when we make him chip in money when he comes over and doesn't have any weed which is most of the time. he acts all bad ass like he is a gangsta and shit.

    Then there is Chris who has weed all during the week that he steals off his parents but always smokes it all Thursday night and just expects me to smoke him out for free, I usually do because I don't want to have one sober person sit there and ruin it for us. but I'm starting to get sick of him mooching especially because he calls everyone else a mooch. He also calls or texts me every night during the week telling me how high he is.

    Eric, almost always brings money or weed and when he doesn't he brings his Xbox 360 for us to play while high.

    I dont know what to do because i feel like im being taken advantage of by my friends.

    Also I'm their only connections to dealers because I know a lot of dealers

    what should i do?:confused::confused::confused:

    SHORT: 1 friend acts like hes king when has weed whines when he dosnt. friend 2 mooches hard. friend 3 is a good guy a lil nerdy
  2. [ame=]King in the castle uauauiua - YouTube[/ame]

    But in all seriousness,I know the type and it sucks.

    Just tell them how it is,man.

    Or just stop inviting them over and only invite people over that can chip in,buy munchies,or have weed.
  3. Last friend sounds good. Rest sound like d bags. Stop kicking it with first two. Seriously I bet the first friends have no job. They need to grow up. Quit feeding the wolves and they'll quit following you. Any relationship between people should be mutualistic not parasitic. Excuse my poor spelling and punctation. Smoke on.
  4. I sorta was a mooch to my friend when he would have a certain drug he would say I'll smoke you out if you help me clean up my house.

    Hoped that helped.
  5. Eric sounds like the shit
  6. Sounds like someones a sucker (op).
  7. Your friend Rory is barely allowed to hang out with you guys? What is he 12?
  8. #8 greendragon756, Apr 25, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 25, 2012
    no but his dad treats him like he is :smoke:
  9. fuck yo friends, fuck yo moochers, and fuck stingy ass people
  10. I'll say this.

    Friends are only friendly faces. Real friends are family.
  11. I now smoke alone. And it is glorious.
    I don't smoke up all my weed on people who never pitch and don't have to keep smoking once I'm high.
    I just do me.
    Its awesome.
  12. Smoke alone or call him out or don't hangout unless they have bud
  13. i smoke alone most of the time now a days so i don't run into situations like this anymore but when i was younger this used to piss me off. if you smoke but never buy weed than that's not right.

  14. I'm what most consider stingy. A grams lasts me a month+. 2 one hitters I'm high. I like smoking people out but I do and I'm like there's my whole months stash. (a gram a sesh with my friends atleast.) so I smoke alone. Maybe I am stingy, with a handful of frugal.
  15. I had same problem with one faggot. I told him straight away that im no charity and then he went like: " oh man you were the one who invited me to smoke, blablabla... like he really expected that I pay alone for the weed. Plus I had payed many times before for the weed, and he never once paid for it, even not half the price, and yeah when I finally asked him to pay for the half g this time, he went like this, ppl like him piss me off u know.
  16. All your friends are kooks, fucking drop them
  17. Actually, let me take that back, Eric is cool, but drop the rest
  18. My circle of friends we always alternate who buys the weed (There's no pattern or cycle, we just understand that if you get smoked up, you are expected to smoke up). Sometimes we pitch in money if we don't have enough money to buy weed to smoke everyone up when we all hang out. There's only one exception. One of our friends rarely Ever buys weed, but we don't mind, he's hilarious, and a nice guy and buys munchies and stuff, it's just hard because he doesn't have a job.
  19. This doesn't apply to everyone. Family can also be "friendly faces"

    But anyways, OP be more abrasive in having people pitch in for stuff..

    I have a friend who has us over all the time shit like that, he'll have food for HIMSELF and we won't even ask for it usually, sometimes he'll offer, well take its whatevs..

    But then sometimes me and my friends will go to subway or something and come back to eat, and he'll be like "ohhhhhhhhhhhhh is that a such and such sandwich??"

    (Knowing he doesn't even care about about the sandwich)

    of course we'd respond with yeah, and he'll follow up by asking if he could have a bite..
    Then he'll end up going to the kitchen getting a KNIFE and end up taking like 1/4th of the whole sandwich...

    Or sometimes me and someone will pitch in for a liter of pop or something, and we'll come back and ask for some and end up getting a big ass cup.

    Like wtfffff, I'm not super stingy or anything but I feel like if you're the host, and you have a fridge full of food then you shouldn't be asking to indulge in our food.

    The reason we go out to get food or any sort of junk is because we don't have access to a fridge in the first place, plus its like hes putting us in a situation where its hard to say no because he has us over all the time so its like we HAVE to share...

    But that had to stop, one day I had a pizza and hes like "IS THAT A CHEESE PIZZA??"

    I KNEW he didnt even care for cheese so I thought he was stupid for looking excited as he asked for a slice.. So I flat out said "no way man"

    I don't even know why I went on this rant, lmaooo i'm blasted.
  20. True, but not what I was sayin. 'Family' who are friendly faces I call relatives.

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