So two of my friends last night around 4 0 clock got arrested One of them had 10 rolls on him, 2 percies, 2gs, a bubbler, was smokint a blunt WHEN he got pulled over, and had no license....... Next one had 10 percies on him, and a conceald weapon charge( he had a knife on him) There screwed
People have to realize that they have to be smart about it. If you're dumb about it, you get what you deserve. Keep your shit at home dummie.
When you bring a weapon[concealed for that matter] into the equation. The situation turns around completly. Not just non violent drug charges, but the potential to really hurt somebody(not saying either wanted to do that). Knives should be kept on the belt, then it isn't concealed
the only people out and about typically at 4 AM are drunk and or on drugs of some sort or just up to no good.
^^^QFT I heard a cop say "The only people out at this hour are cops, and crooks". If you are out at that hour EXPECT to get pulled over.
any time i drive after midnight, i pretty much plan on getting pulled over. everyone should. will save ur ass maybe someday
Yeah i really dont know what they were thinking. The one with the rolls was already rollin. And the one with 10 percies was already on em also. So there pry guna get charged with being under the influence of drugs also.
That weapon charge is bullshit I would be pissed I always carry a blade on me. Then again I wouldn't have gotten pulled over or had anything on me.