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Friends first time smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MrFourTwenty, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. Whats up guys? So, I got some bud [ around 6 or 5 grams ] and my friends wanna smoke for there first time, So why not there both 19 and never smoked. What im scared is, what if they start to trip? What am I going to do? Should I let them smoke? I'm scared that they'll trip thats my only fear, I smoked when I was 13 7 years ago but didnt trip, But lately i hear that first timers do trip. What are the chances of them having a panic attack or whatever? I know i sound dumb especially that ive been smoking for 7 years shaking my head :/
  2. Its weed not crack
  3. I've never heard of any first timers having a bad trip off of weed. The only time bud has ever given me a bad trip was when my friend laced a blunt with coke and didn't tell me about it until after we smoked it, so that wasn't even really bud's fault.
  4. They won't trip, but they might think that they're tripping out because they've never tried it.

    Before you guys smoke, just have a talk.

    "So look, this is just weed. It isn't going to make you trip out, or see things that aren't actually there. You might perceive a shadow to be a bear, but you aren't going to believe that a bear is there. If you close your eyes, you might see some awesome shit. Don't fight the high, let it come to you and just accept that this is how the world is gonna look for a little bit."

    Start 'em off with a joint or two, because its the most intuitive of the smoking devices. Explain that to inhale, once you have the joint away from your mouth, attempt to breath in. After they're done with 2 joints, see if you can get em to have more once they get used to being high.

    Pick a chill-ass spot for them.

  5. You hit the nail on the head. If its not a stressful enviroment just take it slow and theyll be straight.
  6. You don't trip out on weed.
  7. They won't trip in the way they would with shrooms or acid. No. They might think they are because they feel so weird. I remember my first time everything was so surreal, like I was walking through a painting. What you want to do is make sure they don't panic. Do it in the safest place you can think of, or wherever else they feel comfortable. If you sense they're feeling uneasy, don't make them do anything crazy. Just walk around a bit with them. Make them feel at ease. And this is all worst case scenario, really, they'll probably just laugh a lot and have a good time.
  8. The only thing you should fear is your friends not getting high because it's their first time.

    I didn't experience it but I've heard it's pretty common for first timers to just get a light buzz on rather than get high. I've heard different theories about why. From something to do with them not being able to recognise the sensation of being high to more scientific reasons like the first time only activates the cannabinoids in the brain and don't fully transport to the receptors.

    They'll be tons of people on here than can give you great advice.
  9. My first time I was pretty decently high, but had no bad trip. If the weeds laced with anything they might get a bad trip. So watch out for that.
  10. i didnt even get high at all the first hand full of times i smoked...
  11. I speculate that when people "don't get high" their first time, it's because they don't really know what to expect. Sometimes, effects can be relatively subtle. Sorta hard to explain...

    Dr. Tart talks about this sort of thing in chapter 2 of his excellent (albeit a little dated) book, On Being Stoned. It's out of print now, but freely available online. You can also find (usually used) copies on Amazon or eBay...or your local library (college libraries are probably your best bet).

    Anyway, I wouldn't worry too much about your friends "tripping out" or anything. If they get paranoid or anything like that, just remind them that they're high and tell them to relax. Don't smoke in a sketchy place, and that'll help ease any anxiety they might have.

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