Friend plays with poop

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by dutchmaster87, Feb 26, 2011.

  1. Today my friends and I were in the woods smoking illadelph and we got ridiculously baked. Shortly after we started throwing rocks at my friend as a joke not trying to hit him, but my friend was actually trying to and I was like wtf and was laughing cause i was ripped but my friend was being such an idiot.

    ..and then he hit him in the back. When we got to my car my friend said he had to take a shit (the kid who was throwing rocks prior to) he took one right there and we saw this van for a school group called "watershed" where instead of taking normal classes you learn about nature and what not...

    .. anyways he picks his shit up with a stick near by and begins to place it on the van's windshield thus smothering all over, I was dying in laughter but at the same time I was like wow what a doucher some guy is gonna see his van covered with shit

    Luckily now my friend is going to the army
  2. What a dic?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. wow dats nasty
  4. Your friend and the asian girl that got pooped on from another thread should become friends

  5. i know, man
  6. What a bitch, I'd be so pissed if SHIT was on MY CAR, fuck that..
  7. Your friend is a dickhead
  8. I'm more amazed by the fact that he was able to pick up his newly made crap with a stick.
  9. Karma will say "hi" to your friend, with a variety of digestive disorders in the future.
  10. so wait your friend just took a shit in the woods and walked around without wiping his ass ?

    and somehow with jedi like proficiency managed to pick most if not all of it up with a stick


    did he fish it out of toilet.....ya i know whole thing is weird but i'm asking man
  11. I've done worse, but then again I was 13..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. lmao fucking ridiculous, It would take me all the weed in the world to make me start playing with shit.
    • Winner Winner x 1

  13. LOL. For real thats an accomplishment.

  14. We were in the parking lot to the woods (its like a township park) and he took a dump near the car on the ground and managed to pick it up (for the most part) with a stick and kind of flung it on to the windshield... i forget how he wiped maybe he used the stick

  15. yea we were seniors in high school.. clearly a real mature individual
  16. Yes shit flingers will make a great addition to the army. I'm glad I have men like that protecting me from dem terrorizerz.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. ahh i see
  18. this reminds me of the time me and my friends were chilling in the woods by his house on a summer night.

    the sun had just set but we could still make stuff out, wasn't dark.
    we had a campfire and were just sitting around smoking a few joints, pipes here and there.
    So my friend says he needs to take a shit, so he goes off.

    1 minute later he comes back carrying a big leaf with something rolled up in it - he threw it on the fire and mid-air the leaf came off and lo and behold, a big fat shit landed in the fire and started sizzling

    smelled like shit so we wen't back to the house.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  19. Maybe this friend will sit on a cactus one day, or jump on his bike and forgot he took the seat off, and then he'll have a pain in his ass for being a pain in the ass.

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