Friend of mine wants to send this...

Discussion in 'General' started by Neos, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. To the anti-drug things, and can't make up his mind because he thinks it's crap.
    So blades of GC help him out a little bit, is this any good?

    "It pains me to see you include cannabis, which has done nothing but enrich my life and many others. It brought me closer to myself and the people around me. Yet you will probably pick out the irresponsible, childish morons that smoke up to maintain a certain popularity status, 'to look cool'. Who use this herb without consideration, to fuel your propaganda against it when in reality it offers so many clearly visible benefits. While you may or may not purposely spread lies, you accept information from people willing to decieve you and us to get their way.
    Education is a two way street, in order to teach you must know truth.
    I will admit to you that I have not seen your booklets or the information you give, and feel that I don't need to. Most, if not all, anti-drug anythings are poorly thrown together and only after a brainwashing effect over as many that will 'baaaa' for them. If you are indeed spreading nothing but the truth then Kudos to you, that is an honorable thing to do. For education is the only truth people need to know, once educated then they can make their own responsible decision. As I'm sure was intended to be included in the word freedom. Using ignorance to force your way upon people is a dirty corrupt thing to do, that many influential forces tend to do."
  2. Really he should not waste his time on places such as Above The Influence. Send it to your congressman.
  3. He can, but it wont do anything. They are doing it for money, they dont give a shit about things like that
  4. to be honest mabe change a few words around but i defintly like how he used the word education. i would give this a 8.5/10 its actully very good.
  5. Waste of time...however, send them a piece of shit in a box.

    chod style
  6. I love the "Why People Take Drugs" section. Everything is right and yet so very wrong.
  7. Just be a waste of his time, they know it's completely harmless.

    I could be wrong, but isn't ATI run by the Alcohol and Tobacco companies?
  8. they probably get hundreds of letters or phone calls, its not gonna help dood. but props to your friend for caring and being proactive4
  9. Funded at least
  10. I've heard this too, if it's true then our whole system is completely fucked up :mad:

  11. Do this instead. Keep the letter for posterity. Or, do as another suggested, send it to your congressman. Anonymously, of course...

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