Friend OD

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by SouthTx956, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. so one of my friends recently OD'd...

    dude was on EVERYTHING... that day he smoked 2 blunts of weed, pushed 16 R2 pills and 4 "bars" (white, rectangular pills), injected heroin, sniffed both cocaine and black tar heroin, and b4 he over dosed he smoked some crack

    you won't believe this but he survived.. saw him today and he said he was gonna quit drugs..

    except weed ofcourse :p

    just thought i'd share that with y'all
  2. [quote name='SouthTx956']so one of my friends recently OD'd...

    sniffed both cocaine and black tar heroin, and b4 he over dosed he smoked some crack

    he sniffed black tar :confused::confused:

    im stoned and cant seem to make the quotes work lawl
  3. Good for him. That was quite a risky arrangement of drugs. He's lucky he survived.
  4. im pretty sure an overdose implies death, but im glad he survived. He needs to get his act together tho
  5. I'm pretty sure it doesn't.
  6. from wiki:
    The term drug overdose (or simply overdose or OD) describes the ingestion or application of a drug or other substance in quantities greater than are recommended or generally practiced. An overdose is widely considered harmful and dangerous as it can result in death.

    my bad, you are correct.
  7. Sniffed black tar.....
  8. wow, hes pretty lucky. Glad hes okay!

    Wait, he sniffed black tar???
  9. he said "black tar heroin" ..

    from wikipedia: Black Tar Heroin is a variety of heroin produced primarily in Mexico. It is one of the most prevalent forms of heroin in the western United States, while occasionally found in western Canada and Europe. Mexican heroin has a hashish-like, non-powdery consistency (though it can also appear as a dark brown or dark orange powder and adulterated), which distinguishes itself from other forms of heroin.

    wow good luck to him on his sobriety!

  10. I know that it was heroin.
  11. Kinda sounds like your friend has a death wish. Lucky as fuck he survived.
  12. at least his making the right decision after almost killing himself.
  13. i dont even believe that he did all those drugs, ur prolly just tryin to start a rndom ass thread.....shameful really, if u think about it.
  14. Then why post in this random ass thread?

    People on the internetz r funny.
  15. why would i make this up :/

  16. What is your problem guy?
    This guy comes in here to just let us know he suffered a traumatic event, and you say he is lieing?:eek:
    GTFO, we don't need your bullshit here.
  17. To sniff tar..

    you take a chunk, put it in a TINY bit of water.. and rub it around until there is no chunk just dark water..then snort that REALLY hard.. its called waterlining it.and it works well.

  18. It wasnt him, was his friend.
  19. Yeah you can blow BT. Just mix it with a lil bit of water and put it in one of those nasal decongestion spray bottles.

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