I am so upset, this girl from my church who I thought was my friend had a ladies night get together and posted pictures on FB, and when I asked what it was for and if it was dress shopping she said "No. We were hanging out. And you dont need to be at every social thing I do, ok? Im sorry, but no." What the heck? She hasnt ever invited me to a single social thing shes done, ever. And then I said well sorry for asking I just felt excluded. She said theres no reason you should have felt excluded. But isnt that what you just did? And then to follow it up with an exclusive remark of I dont need to be at every social event you do. Wth?
Maybe you're a friend just not that kind of friend. There's lots of people I consider my friends but I'm not about to invite them all when I do something. Some people are friends but not the type of friends that require hanging out outside of whatever function brings you together. Church-friends
You were excluded. Find a new church Crystal, have you tried Seventh Day Adventist? I hear they never exclude anyone from anything, no matter how much you want them to.
Your friends just hate you and everyone around you the way you describe. So change everything about yourself. I would go into the green berets as a cyborg and destroy my enemies with laser beams. I can troll too. Sade's outdoor Bigfoot territory grow
Just show up to her house and take a fat bong rip to the face Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Lol, doesn't sound like a friend I would like to have. I would probably be cordial with her but not be so "friend-like" with her anymore. Time to find new friends Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Lol she keeps posting and you guys keep replying a never ending cycle. Sent from my XT1585 using Grasscity Forum mobile app