It's a standard beaker bottom. It's used but I don't really mind that much because its been taken care of fine and has no damages. The ash catcher is also an expensive addition. Here's a picture of it.
I would never buy a full sized beaker-bottom for $300, but thats me. Weather or not it is worth the money is entirely up to you.
It's a solid piece, but for $300 you could get a brand new tube that will hit better, and be way easier to clean. Id do some shopping around and investigate more before you purchase anything.
Well, illy ashcatchers are expensive right? So it's not terrible but full retail probably isn't far off. Try to get it for closer to 225.
I've done some shopping around and I found a couple other pieces as well, I just like that I have the ability to buy the bong in person and the attachment comes with it without having to order both online separately. I'm gonna take a trip down to my local headshop tomorrow but most of the time they're overpriced. Thats a name-brand inline perc ashcatcher. He bought it from Frolic (local headshop) and online its $120 so I would assume it would be probably around $150 there (going on their other ash-catcher prices). I tried $250 and he said he could get more money for it elsewhere. He's usually a pretty generous guy so I don't want to barter him out of $50 when he's probably willing gave me that much money in marijuana for no reason. A long time ago he told me he had paid around $600 for the whole thing, but at that point I think it might've had 2 different attachments. I don't quite remember though.
Eh I know it was kept in good condition and I can easily clean it. For the convenience and price it would cost to buy that new I don't mind buying used.
Used glass is exactly like it was when new if kept well. Its not like a car that has a worn out engine...
If you really like illy then get it. I paid 275 for a roor that's very similar with a roor tech x cut diffuser and I love it.
A few of the blades showed me some great bongs for around that price. Off the top of my head i can remember dave goldstein. I dont know much about bongs, in the UK its not big business, i just found out some things from some of the blades that know about glass.
Dave Goldstein Fritted Disc, SG Stemline, Halen, SGW, and Apix are all great options inside of your range. I've got nothing against buying a used tube that has been taken care of, but at the end of the day, you can get a better, and new piece for the price. Try and find some of the facebook groups for used glass, can find some bangin deals in them. If he comes down to 200-250 then that sounds like a much better deal, but at 300 you have alot of options outside of a beaker bottom with downstem and ash catcher.
that bong goes for 260-320 new. I believe its a medium beaker bottom so 19 inches tall and 5mm glass. If you are dropping $300 buy a new illadelph. Trust me it'll be more worth it than buying used glass for nearly the same price. check out they have a pretty decent illadelph selection lots of colors and heights and different styles. I just ordered a platinum label straight shot. i use to have the same bong you friend does except camo label and 7mm glass thickness so it was way better ($380 price tag new) haha but ya adding an ashcatcher adds alot of drag and the beaker performs pretty damn good without an a/c. all in all dont buy your "friends". thats not a good deal at all. thats like full price if not more. i know your like well the ashcatcher with it is a good deal but trust me its not. maybe if it was an illadelph upstem ashcatcher or an illadelph ac in general because those run like 200-300 new. buy a new one for $300
I went to my LHS (Frolic) and they were charging $360 for new medium beaker bottoms and they didn't have any decent glass for under $300 so I think I'm just going to purchase this. The sovereignty stemline is very nice but I don't want to order online.
Eh, for what I can get from the headshops around me its a good deal. It has everything I'm looking for so why not be satisfied with it? If I wanted to buy that same bong w/ the ash catcher new it would cost me $510