Friend hits me out of nowhere during sesh

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Metridixal, Aug 10, 2011.

  1. What did you say/do afterwards, as well as him?
  2. my friends do that shit all the time, we do that, and if you bitch about it you get made fun of for being such a pussy
    we have a lil event where one of my big friends comes into the room and pounds the shit out of everyone hella funny but hurts a shitload especially when your blazed
  3. give him a bong filled with ammonia and bleach, instead of water. have fun hitting that shit ;)
  4. My friend starts jabbing people when hes high... like makes his fingers stiff and will jab you in the chest and ribs and shit and its just like CMON MAN! I WANNA SMACK YOU BUT THEN THE JABBINGS WILL GET WORSE! He has crazy ass long fingers, i think if i jabbed the way he jabbed my fingers would break..

  6. #26 flapflip, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Cowboys muthafuccckka!
  7. Ya you see I'm not 16 or in High School. I'm a matured adult.
  8. He's trying to get you to have sex with him. Did he grab your ass at all after he jumped on you?

  9. the fuck?
  10. No.... No he didn't.
  11. I laughed so fucking hard omg. LOL!
  12. Well hit him back from somewhere :cool:
  13. I was just like.... What the fuck man? Then he apologized.
  14. Sucks to be you :smoke:

    Was he like linebacker big, or bodybuilder big?
  15. Linebacker big. He's the biggest guy I know, it was painful man. I actually don't know how I didn't get more fucked up my head appearently hit his and he said it almost knocked him out.
  16. you sound like a cry baby. Go play some contact sports. For real, me and my friends hit each other all the time, and we sometimes miss and hit each other in the face. dude allgood.
  17. Hahaha. This story put a smile on my face. Seems like he was joking not trying to really hurt you. So whatever. Tell him you dont like that kind of stuff.
  18. yeah man you kinda over reacted. It really doesn't matter. I'm the sorta person that gets pissy at things like that too, but you'll get over it, seriously. If you weren't so badly injured it was painful to move, you will be fine. Just do something like, skip him 3 tokes in a rotation in a few years and remind him of the time he tackled you off a bed.

    Fucking hell that is funny. I can just see you flying across the room.
  19. Dude this kinda shit is so lame, i dont know why stupid fucks randomly need to harm people. A neighborhood dude did this to me a while back during some football and I ended up breaking my collar bone and some bone shards ended up resting on my aorta. Needed fuckin emergency surgery. Avoid these people at all costs.

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