friend has no common sense

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by 8MilesHigh, Oct 9, 2010.

  1. #1 8MilesHigh, Oct 9, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2010
    so today after school, my friend S picked up me and my friend B and took us to go blaze. me and S are both seniors, and B is a sophomore (high school). me and S are out of school because we are seniors and get out early, and B is actually ditching at this point. so we drive to S house and blaze, but his dad is coming home soon so he has to give us a ride back to my house, we have like an hour though and my house is 10 minutes away from his max. so we are all faded and S has bud, a lighter, and a piece in his car. now normally youd think somebody who just got their license and is high and has bud in there car would drive carefully right? wrong. S is fucking driving OVER 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. me and B kept telling him to slow down, because first off its not safe, and second because we could not afford to be fucked over having both been to court last year already, me for a drug related charge and B for curfew and truancy. not to mention S fucked up his wheels like two weeks ago when he ran over a curb while driving high. also, we were driving kind of close to our high school, where cops just drive around all day looking for kids ditching, doing drugs, or doing anything else they can bust us for. but no, S just keeps zooming away. S smokes me out like everyday and its pretty much my only way to blaze at this point (shit with parents) but if he keeps acting like this im gonna have to cut it off.
  2. the only thing he is doing is putting himself at risk, well besides the fact that he is driving fast and reckless. Although, if he gets caught speeding he is gonna get fucked over, not you.
  3. ya, i just feel like the cops could find some way to fuck me and B over since were both in the system and there bud in the car, even if its just calling our parents its not a risk i wanna take.
  4. Yeah.... tht is pretty stupid. But what do you really expect from a 15-16 year old boy? If he gets plugged for speeding and you guys are all blazed you will probably be looking at strike 2... so be careful buddy.
  5. ya man
  6. Well It's either you keep getting smoked out for free by your friend or faces the consequences of:

    • Jail
    • Death
    • Injury
    • Accident
  7. kind of reminds me of a friend i used to hang out with. this kid would text and drive and swerve etc along with other stupid shit. long story short i realized i shouldn't hang out with this kid. lets skip ahead to now... this kid has been caught twice with weed and is now on probation and has to call in every morning, while i am scott free clean record blowing trees all day :).

    you have to ask yourself. where do you wanna be?

  8. this.
  9. Stupid is as stupid does
  10. i gotta get gone man
  11. One of the most important things to me when I am toking is that I want to make sure I am relaxed and I am not in any stressfull situation because that tends to blow my high.

    I recommend you guys toke at your house and let S smoke you out there. Keep it safe.
  12. kid sounds like a nub, i'd stay away from him for a bit. That guy sounds like an arrest waiting to happen
  13. And this is why the driving age in the US needs to be changed. But he's going to get fucked over sooner or later
  14. Seems like freind shouldnt be getting high period if hes that uncool.
  15. mamma says?
  16. dude your in socal get your card and no more worries
  17. Uh, why not just bring to light that he's being a total fucktard?
    Have that serious convo with him and tell him what he's doing
    isn't safe, really stupid, and you both don't need to get caught.

    If he's still gonna act immature about it, well I think it's time for
    a T-break mister. I never put myself at risk cause of other people's
    stupidity, I just don't tolerate it. If you don't care enough about
    me to keep me safe and keep what we do on the DL, then you're
    not much of a friend at all...PEACE.

    God I'm glad I didn't have friends like that in school.
  18. see heres the thing, i gotta blaze one way or another. usually he drives us reasonably sober, and drive ok. usually we smoke at my pad, but its weird sometimes we gotta use his.
  19. If it seems likes hes just gonna end up getting u in trouble than stop chillin with him unless he wants to comover to ur house than thats cool :smoke:
  20. ya haha also im gonna start blazin alone more after school like i did today i bought a 1 sack lol.

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