He was fucking with my friend and he dropped a giant hula hoop on it. Broke it right off. First time I took it anywhere other than home too. Guess I had to learn a hard lesson. Anyways aside from ranting my question is what should I do If he doesn't pay me back? He doesn't exactly have the best track record.
Never break a bong man, that's mandatory 2 months new bong probation depending on the bong that was broken... Stoner law man.
if it was a complete accident and hes a good friend, maybe ask him to split a new one if its a jackass whos fuckin shit up all the time and u dont know him well, harass the shit out of him for something of equivalent value, cash, or a new piece
I would most definitely ask him to replace it. If he declines. Break something of his that is of equal or lesser value. If he straight up says no and wont even SPLIT the price of a new bong with you he was never a friend I would never smoke with him again.
You break it you buy it, man up it was their responsibility. And they also lose your bong privileges.
You can't force him to pay you back for it. It was an accident. Now if he's a good friend, I would expect that he would OFFER to pay you back in some way. I know I would.
I broke my friends cheap china glass bong once, and ended up taking him to a real head shop and putting down $100 for a new piece and he said he'd put down $50, still has yet to pay me but he's a good friend and I trust him he's just going through some stuff right now. But anywho, if he's a good friend split the cost of a new bong or something. Regardless, make him pay something.
i would never talk bongs out or to parties, but an extreme q with bags works great everyone gets to smoke, but no one needs to touch it but you lol
Broken bongs are tough man. The best option is to never have it break in the first place. I always put redacted on my piece when I take it anywhere or I smoke with someone who isn't use to using a bong. As for your buddy who broke it, if he didn't already offer to cover it, then you're probably not seeing a dime from him. Take it as a lesson and move on. Advertising is not allowed here - WW
Ask him to pay you back in some sort of way, the equivalent to the bong. Weed, his watch, his bong?, his pipes. something if he doesnt have the cash
he should definitely pay for it, or at least go halves on it with you...id exaggerate the price a little if he is a douche about it and acts like he will never pay you back then you could accidentally break his leg.
Just to re-itterate yes he should pay you back in some way shape or form, not nescessarily buying you a new bong but some type of compensation, doesn't he know stoner law? >.> Oh and in all fairness you should never bring a bong out of your house, I've learned this lesson the hardway as have most seasoned stoners.... it never ends well for some reason...
[quote name='"hightimes420guy"']He was fucking with my friend and he dropped a giant hula hoop on it. Broke it right off. First time I took it anywhere other than home too. Guess I had to learn a hard lesson. Anyways aside from ranting my question is what should I do If he doesn't pay me back? He doesn't exactly have the best track record.[/quote] Try to reason with him. He obviously isn't going to WANT to pay for a full bong. Ask him to halfs with you and request some sesh's. If that's a no.... Idfk.
Get him back by having the "Bong break him". Ahaha, you guys should get that considering this forum is solely based on Weed lmao
My friend broke my bong. The same day he bought me a new one with he last $160 left in his account. If he won't pitch in then you obviously don't know who your "friends" are.
hahaha! You should make him buy you a new one or let you sleep with his hot sister if he has one or maybe his mom. then you might be even.
If he's low on cash, simply become his pimp. Whore him out at gunpoint to every creepy old man on the block 'til he has enough dough to pay you back or at least split the cost of a new equivalent. I mean, that's what I would do anyways...