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Friend advice?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by inclusive, Mar 15, 2012.

  1. So I have these two friends and they keep all of their stuff (weed, lighters, bong, bubbler.. etc) because I have a good spot at my house and my parents are gone a lot more then theirs.
    One day I was cleaning my friends bong and I forgot to take his 6 arm stem out; I leaned it over, the stem fell and broke. I gave him 50$ even though it was only 40 because of gas and i felt bad.
    So now the friend with the broken stem bought a fake book lock box thing and now they keep their weed, the other friends bubbler, and a stem for the bong.
    I feel like that is bullshit and I want your guys' opinion on.
    another thing though, I can't do something extreme because one friend drives me to and from school and I dislike the bus. I pay him for gas though, ofcourse.
  2. Thats dumb as fuck, you payed him back he should trust you. HE PROFITED...try finding another ride and better friends
  3. maybe he just doesnt want you breaking it again? probably he thought you used it or something, no reason to get stressed out... if hes being a dick tell him to keep his shit at his own house
  4. I'm sorry but stashing everything at your house is like, "Hey guys, don't worry I'll take the fall for us!" Just the way I see it.
  5. [quote name='"InnerCity"']I'm sorry but stashing everything at your house is like, "Hey guys, don't worry I'll take the fall for us!" Just the way I see it.[/quote]

    Its in the cieling so unless there's a police dog, it'll be impossible. But that's a good point anyway.

    I'm a senior halfway thru I don't think now's a time to find new friend and rides.
  6. Wait your getting mad at your friends for taking their stuff back ?

    Im confused
  7. [quote name='"smr312"']maybe he just doesnt want you breaking it again? probably he thought you used it or something, no reason to get stressed out... if hes being a dick tell him to keep his shit at his own house[/quote]

    I didn't use it, just cleaning it but even if I use it I feel like I have a right to since I'm letting him even keep it there
  8. You're being a bit of a baby ^^
  9. If your friend is going through the hassle of having everything in a locked box, then he should take responsibility for it by not stashing it at your place anymore.
    And if he's going to say no more rides if he can't stash it at your place then you know he really isn't a friend to begin with.
  10. Have you asked him for his reasons? It may not be motivated by a lack of trust, and it may not have anything to do with the accident. Since his possessions are not in his immediate grasp, then having them locked up may just make him feel better.

    If it is upsetting you I suggest you sit down and just ask about it. No need to be upset or accusatory; just pose the question and listen to what he has to say. If you feel it would help, explain that you were concerned that it was something personal. Clear the air, so to speak.

  11. Alright thank you guys
  12. Did he buy the box, put his shit in it, and then still get you to keep it in your ceiling? < this is the key question here

    if the answer is yes, then your friend is a fag and you should tell him to fuck off and take his shit with him

    if the answer is no, and he took the stuff back to his place, then i wouldnt give a shit.
  13. Get a bigger lock box and put their box into that... see how they like it.
  14. Just tell him the truth, your offended a bit, and doing him a favor.
  15. they're not taking it back tho ........... they're putting him at risk charging him money and still he cant even use the shit......... fuck that find better friends who are willing take the responablity for there own shit
  16. Tell him to keep it at his house if its gona be in a lockbox at your house...cuz thats the only thing that doesnt make sense
  17. LOL....

    Why are you so offended that hes holding down his own shit? unless you were using it you shouldn't being having you monthly fit

    and the guy is driving ur dumb ass to school every day... gas or not no one likes to be a taxi
  18. [quote name='"Thomascolin"']LOL....

    Why are you so offended that hes holding down his own shit? unless you were using it you shouldn't being having you monthly fit

    and the guy is driving ur dumb ass to school every day... gas or not no one likes to be a taxi[/quote]

    Alright man, there was no need for you to be calling me anything or telling me to quit having a "fit"
    How would you feel if you were in my spot?
  19. Why do you like holding onto their stuff?

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