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friday night toke!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mikey77, Oct 2, 2010.

  1. hey everyone I going to smoke some haze later on tonight and report the more "trippy" high of a sativa. If anyone else is having a session post em up!
  2. I'm looking at a fat bag with around 90 grams of mid.

    I might smoke, who knows. :hello:

  3. mind sharing some? :p

    going to smoke my 20 sac of bubbacush and put some things in my nose :D
  4. damn i'll be over in 5 :smoke: haha,

    about to go pickup an o with my buds then gonna blaze and go explore nature

  5. for sure those nature hikes are crazy awesome when your blazed. I'm going out to the golf course to smoke that haze. It gets real trippy out there
  6. Yeah! I just smoked two j's and I gotta bowls worth for my bong and around 11 i'm going out with my homies to smoke some swishers haha.
  7. smoked out of my home made water bottle bong, probably gonna smoke a few bowsl in my pipe though
    then im gonna watch 'Man, Woman, Wild' on Discovery Channel, if that counts :D

  8. nice can't go wrong with strawberry swishers yum

  9. ha nice I was just watching that. Cept my buzz wore off gonna do the same and make me up a bong and get baked later on some haze. Report to ome
  10. just landed in the big apple. Headed to 7/11 for a blunt then time for a nice stroll with my iced coffee.
  11. haha nice im probably gonna spark up the pipe now and these crazy people are cutting snakes on this show
    tell me how the bong goes
  12. I'm home cause my hockey game out of town got cancelled.. what better to do than smoke 1/8 of some dank, school my buds in NHL11 and probably make a mcdonalds run haha, gonna be doooooope:smoke:
  13. join the club dude. smoking up a storm tonight. ive been waiting for friday for a whole year. fuck.

  14. sweet yeah for sure I'll be hitting up the bong ina while. Gonna use a good ole fiji bottle to do the damge haha I'll post up later

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